Project Schedule

By helenPJ
  • Virtual/interactive map of our partners.

    Activity 1, to create a virtual/interactive map of our homeland and hometown/village. Getting to know each other better
  • How we see our school

    How we see our school
    Teacher assignment 1. Give a brief overview of the school climate and school community. How are relationships in school? Are the lessons quiet and bullying free? Are there students who skip classes and what may be the reason? Are students and teachers happy with their school environment? etc
  • Restorative Practices. Good examples around the world

    Restorative Practices. Good examples around the world
    Activity 2. Teachers and students get to know the resources about the topic.
  • MindMapping - what is the Restorative Practices approach?

    MindMapping - what is the Restorative Practices approach?
    Activity 3. Students enter their questions about restorative practices after getting to know the basics of the method. After collecting all the questions, the coordinator and the teachers will answer the questions in the online forum room.
    App to use: https://www.mentimeter.com/