Logo mindful

'Mind full or midful?' eTwinning Project - project calendar

  • Students' introductions

    Students' introductions
    Student edit their profiles: they create an Avatar and write a short description.
  • Teachers' introductions

    Teachers' introductions
    Teacher edit their profile (avatar creation and uploading on TwinSpace)
  • Logo creation

    Logo creation
    Students create a logo for the project using Web 2.0 tools.
    Each partner school chooses the most representative logo for their class, and uploads only 3 logos on the TwinSpace page created for this.
  • Logo creation - collage

    Logo creation - collage
    Teachers upload a collage of photos of their students working on logo creation.
  • Uploading parental consents

    Uploading parental consents
    Teachers upload parental consent on TwinSpace (a picture of all parental consent foms is enough).
  • January tasks' evaluation by students

    January tasks' evaluation by students
    Students vote on January tasks on TwinSpace.
  • Logo contest

    Logo contest
    Students and teachers vote for the most representative logo.
  • Period: to

    Let's introduce where we are from

    Partners upload photos/videos/presentations about their town and their school on the TwinSpace page created for this. They can promote touristic places in their city.
  • Safer Internet Day

    Safer Internet Day
    Teachers and students will meet online to do interactive activities to celebrate Safer Internet Day.
  • Period: to

    Our happy routines

    Students describe their happy routines among daily activities and the emotions they feel while doing these activities.
  • Period: to

    Netiquette and cybersafety

    Students prepare an animation about Safe Internet Rules
  • Period: to

    Mindfulness activities in the classroom

    Let's share here the various mindfulness activities we practice with students in the classroom. For example, breathing exercises, body exercises, sensory awareness exercises, emotional awareness.
  • Zoom meeting for teachers and students

    Zoom meeting for teachers and students
    Teachers and Students presentations + big word cloud on Mentimeter + interacitive game on KAHOOT! about the project and about Mindfulnes
  • Emotions masks (our emotions in time of COVID 19)

    Emotions masks (our emotions in time of COVID 19)
    In a period where we are forced to put ‘masks’, let’s create our ‘Covid mask’. Students create a mask where they represent (with colours, keywords, expressions) what emotions they felt, and are feeling, in this period of global pandemic. (Deadline April 20)
  • Period: to

    International Teamwork. ‘Our Mindfulness Music Album’

    Multinational teams of students and teachers are created, and they create music albums choosing the best song they would hear in a difficult moment to help relax and feel better
  • Celebrating Children's day

    Celebrating Children's day
    Teachers and students will meet online to celebrate together Children's Day.
  • Expert webinar

    Expert webinar
    Teachers and students meet Mindfulness Practitioner Dyugu Badur in a webinar where she'll introduce mindfulness from theory to practice.
  • Period: to

    Our common work

    To be chosen by partner teachers in the process.
  • Period: to

    End-of-project assessment

    Teachers and students fill in the post-evaluation forms
  • Celebrating eTwinning Day

    Celebrating eTwinning Day
    Teachers and students will prepare a product to represent what eTwinning means for them, and celebrate it!
  • Applying for Quality label

    Applying for Quality label