
  • Battle of Tannenberg

    Battle of Tannenberg
    The battle of Tannenberg was fought between Russia and Germany. Resulting in the destruction of the Russian Second army.
  • Gallipoli campaign

    Gallipoli campaign
    The Gallipoli campaign was a military operation that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula during the First World War.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was fought from February 21 to December 18. The battle was the longest of the First World War.
  • Battle of the Somme

    Battle of the Somme
    The battle of the Somme was fought by the armies of the British Empire and the French Third Republic against the German Empire.
  • Letters back home

    Letters back home
    Andrews wrote a letting to his mom saying "I have seen just enough of the word to want to see the best of it."
  • Introduction to trench warfare

    Introduction to trench warfare
    Andrews and the rest of the 26th division were inserted into the front lines, this was meant to be a relatively gentle introduction to trench warfare.
  • Traveling

    The 26th division's next assignment was to the "Toul-Bouca Sector", where they spent 3 months and saw heavy artillery barrages and raids by Germans.
  • Paris

    In mid-July, they were taken toward Paris. The 102nd and 26th divisions were thrown into counterattacks meant to destroy the salient that had formed after the German attack stalled.
  • Hospital

    Andrews was a patient at base hospital 50, due to what they think was "rheumatism" caused by living in damp trenches for more than 6 months.
  • First battle of the Marine

    First battle of the Marine
    From September 5 to September 12, 1914, The Marne Battle took place. There were many conflicts that took place all along the Marne River Valley. The Allied powers won the battle against the western German army as a result.