
Progressive Era 5 laws/acts

  • Sherman-Anti Trust Act

    Sherman-Anti Trust Act
    Sherman-Anti Trust Act was to prevent businesses from doing illegal things to make money. These trusts ended up taking over a lot businesses. Works Cited
  • Tenement Housing Law

    The Tenement Hosuing Law was made to set basic rules about what had to be in tenement houses. There were more the 80,000 houses that were tenement.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    The Elkins Act made it illegal to give free ticket to preferred companies. This act was made so railroad companies can't give out rebates.
  • Pure Food & Drug Act

    Pure Food & Drug Act
    The Pure Food and Drug Act is a law that the government made to regulate and inspect food.. A lot of food back then was being poisoned and/or misbranded, or labeled. Works Cited
  • Square Deal

    Square Deal
    Square Deal was Teddy Roosevelt's plan. The plan was made to protect businesses and labor.
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