
  • 1500

    Pacific and Atlantic

    Water passages dates back to at least the 1500s.
  • Daniel Webster

    In 1842, Secretary of State Daniel Webster sent a letter to Hawaiian agents.
  • Plans

    Planned sea-level canal in 1880.
  • Project Fail

    Funding was pulled from the project in 1888.
  • America

    Americans under the leadership of Samuel Dole deposed her in 1893.
  • Dole, again

    Americans under the leadership of Samuel Dole deposed her in 1893.
  • Dole Leadership

    Dole sent a delegation to Washington in 1894 seeking annexation.
  • 1895

    The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain.
  • Annexed Hawaii

    America's annexation of Hawaii in 1898 extended U.S. territory into the Pacific.
  • Friendly Argument

    United States annexed Hawaii in 1898 at the urging of President William McKinley.
  • Spanish war

    The Spanish-American War.
  • One of them

    Hawaii was made a territory in 1900.
  • Money

    U.S. purchased the French assets in the canal zone for $40 million in 1902.
  • New Order

    The new government in 1903 that gave them rights in perpetuity to the canal zone.
  • The start

    United States commenced building a canal across a 50-mile stretch of the Panama isthmus in 1904.
  • Commerced

    The project officially commenced with a dedication ceremony on May 4, 1904.
  • Railroad

    A railroad specialist named John Stevens took over as chief engineer in July 1905.
  • Teddy Bear Man

    President Roosevelt visited the area in November 1906.
  • Blocks

    Construction of the locks began with the pouring of concrete at Gatún in August 1909.
  • Closing

    The grand project began drawing to a close in 1913.
  • Canal

    Opened in 1914, oversight of the world-famous Panama Canal.
  • Opened

    The Panama Canal officially opened on August 15, 1914.
  • Bolsterering

    Bolstered by the addition of Madden Dam in 1935.
  • State status

    Hawaii and Alaska both became states in 1959.
  • Transfered

    Transferred from the U.S. to Panama in 1999.