SCC launches Recycling Program
After 300 student signatures had been collected in just 2 days several month earlier, SCC launched a campus wide recycling program. -
MCC receives grant for recycling program
To create a recycling program and hire a recycling coordinator, Steve Bass, a geology instructor at Mesa Community College, received a grant for almost $50,000 from the Arizona Department for Environmental Quality (ADEQ). Another $50,000 were matched by MCC. -
GWCC Recycling Kick Off
GWCC Kick of its Recycling Program -
EMCC - Sustainability Team Formed
To better coordinate sustainability effort at Estrella Mountain Community College, a Sustainability Team was formed. The team adopted its Mission, Vision and Values in January 2009. -
Sustainability Resolution passed by MCCCD Governing Board
To establish sustainability practices district wide, it is important to have the support of the governing board. On December 9, 2008 a resulution that has been drafted by members of the Sustainability Task Force, was passed by the governing board, cementing the committment of the districts leadership to sustainability. -
Rio Salado College receives "Americas Greenest Campus Award"
By Participating in a national competition sponsored by Climate Culture, Rio Salado College won the award of "Americas Greenest Campus" which included a prize money of $5000. This money was invested to establish Rio Salados own garden behind their main location in Tempe. -
SCC Creates Sustainability Coordinator Position
The first Sustainability Coordinator Position in the district was established. Later on MCC and Rio Salado College would also create similar positions. -
EMCC becomes charter participant in STARS
Estrella Mountain Community College joins as a charter participant STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System). This system created by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Eduction (AASHE) helps EMCC find ways to reduce their environmental impact as well as rate how well their sustainability efforts progress. -
Chancellor signs the ACUPCC
The American College and University Presidents Climate Committment (ACUPCC), is a widely recognized and respected organisation which established support structures to help post-secondary educational institutions identify ways to reduce their carbon emissions. Through the Chancellors signature all 10 Maricopa Community Colleges were signed up for this committment and started implementing sustainabilitty processes. -
Sustainability Action Council created
To show its committment to sustainability the Chancellor asked the CEC Taskforce on Sustainability if they would continue their work as a formal council reporting to the Chancellor. The Council is charged with creating a sustainability plan for the district taking the Triple Bottom Line (Environmental stewardship, Social Reponsibility and Economic Feasibility) as its model. -
Sustainable Foods Program
A new "Sustainable Food Systems" Program starts at Rio Salado College and at Mesa Community College in the Fall Semester of 2010.
The program provides students with an overview of the Nation's current food model and alternative methods for altering this model and creating more sustainable foods. Courses include concepts supporting the real food movement, which represents reeducating the individual and the community on the way food is purchased, brought to the table, and consumed. -
Sustainability Committee created
To consolidate the existing sustainability related committees, and making the sustainability structure at MCCCD more transparent and efficient, this committee was created. With mainly grass-roots members from all district colleges, this committee gives recommendations to the Sustainability Action Council at distrct. -
EMCC receives Bronze STARS rating
Estrella Mountain Community College becomes the first Maricopa County Community College to earn a rating through the "Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System" (STARS) which was developed by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). -
Environmental Consultant hired
The environmental consultant Pace Global was hired by the district to help identify ways how all colleges can reduce their energy consumption. The company also researches possibilities to invest in renewable energy. -
Ecotality Charging Stations installed at PC
The first Ecotality Charging Station was installed at Phoenix College. Since then seven other colleges have installed them or are in negotiations with Ecotality to have them installed on their campuses. -
Paper Reduction Campaign
The first district wide sustainability campaign is launched. The paper reduction campaign aims to reduce the paper consumption across the district by 10% or 60,000 lbs within one year additionally the campaign asks people to show their committment by signing the paper reduction plege, with a goal of 10,000 pledges. The campaign will end on October 26, 2012. -
Paper Reduction Campaign Ends
The Paper Reduction Campaign ends. On this day and throughout November MCCCD will see if it matched its set goal of reducing paper consumption by 10% and collectiing 10,000 pledges.