Programming Timeline

By hmp2020
  • Plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse
    Engineering Purposes
    German for planned calculus.
  • Fortran

    John Backus (and his IBM team).
    Large scale numerical calculations in science and engineering.
    It gets its name from FORmula TRANslating system.

    Remington Rand
    A compiler
    The name comes from Math.
  • Lisp

    Steve Russell
    High level programming language.
    The name comes from the LISt Processor

    Businesses and administrative purpose.
    Acronym for Common Business Oriented Language.
  • RPG

    Proprietary program language.
    The name comes from Report Program Generator
  • Basic

    John G. Kemeny, Thomas E. Kurtz.
    Enable students in fields other than mathematics and science to use computers.
    It’s an acronym for Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Code.
  • LOGO

    Bolt, Beranek, and Newman
    Used for young children as a basic method of programming.
    The name is name coined by Feurzeig
  • B

    Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie.
    B was designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine-independent applications, such as system and language software.
    May be a contraction of BCPL.

    Niklaus Wirth
    Loops Controls is the purpose.
    Named after the french mathematician Blaise Pascal
  • C

    Dennis Ritchie
    General-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.
    It’s named C because the developer also developed B and it was the next letter after B.
  • ML

    Robin Milner
    This programming was developed for general purposes.
    Meta Language is how it gots it name.
  • SQL

    Managing data is the purpose.
    The name comes from Structured Query Language
  • C++:

    Bjarne Stroustrup
    Helps programmers write fast portable programming.
    The name reflects its origin (c) it literally means increment C by 1.
  • ADA

    Jean Ichbiah.
    Improves code safety and maintainability
    No it was named after Ada Lovelace.
  • Python

    Guido van Rossum
    High Level general purpose.
    The developer thought he needed a name that was short,unique, and mysterious so he called it python.
  • Visual Basic

    Easy to learn language
    Beginner's all purpose instructional code
  • PHP

    PHP development team
    Web development the purpose.
    The recursive initialism Hypertext Processor
  • Delphi

    Anders Hejlsberg
    Rapid application development
    It got its name from the oracle of delphi as a joke but as they tried to find another name this name got more and more support.
  • Java

    Sun Microsystems

    It was developed for general purposes.
    The name comes from Java Coffee.
  • JavaScript

    Dynamic, weakly typed program.
    The name comes from a joint deal between Sun and Netscape.