Programming Languages Timeline

  • KEY

    <Meaning of the name (where applicable)>
  • Plankalkul

    Plan Calculus
    Created by Konrad Zuse

    Designed for Engineering Purposes
  • Fortran

    Formula Translation
    Created by IBM
    Scientific and engineering applications

    AT-3 (Algebraic Translator 3)
    Created by Remington Rand
    Business oriented language
  • Lisp

    Created by John McCarthy
    Practical mathematical notation

    Common business oriented language
    Created by CODASYL

    Easy common business use
  • RPG

    Created by IBM
    Business oriented language

    Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
    Created by John G. Kemeny, Thomas E. Kurtz, Mary Kenneth Keller
    To be a higher level language
  • LOGO

    Logos is Greek for thought
    Created by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon

    Educational purposes
  • B

    Created by Ken Thompson
    Designed for recursive, non-numeric machine-independent applications
  • C

    Created by Dennis Ritchie
    To encourage cross platform programming

    Created by Niklaus Wirth
    Small and efficient, designed to encourage good programming practices
  • ML

    Meta Language
    Created by Robin Milner
    General purpose
  • SQL

    Structured Query Language
    Created by Donald D. Chamberlin, and Raymond F. Boyce

    Designed for data management
  • ADA

    Named after Ada Lovelace
    Created by Jean Ichbiah, all updates were by Tucker Taft

    Designed for embedded and real time systems
  • C++

    Created by Bjarne Stroustrup

    System programming
  • Python

    Created by Guido van Rossum
    General purpose and absolute simplicity
  • Visual Basic

    Created by Microsoft
    Easy to learn and use
  • Delphi

    Created by Embarcadero Technologies
    Rapid application development
  • Java

    Created by James Gosling
    Use on any platform
  • Javascript

    Created by Brendan Eich
    Enables interactive web pages
  • PHP

    Hypertext Preprocessor
    Created by Rasmus Lerdorf
    Web development