Programming Languages Timeline

  • Plankalkul

    Plankalkul was developed by Konrad Zuse. It translated roughly into "Plan Calculus." His goal for the program was for it to solve general problems.
  • Fortran

    Designed by John Backus and his IBM colleagues. It is a general use program, but finds its primary uses in numerical computation and scientific computing. Originally named FORTRAN, its name is derived from Formula Translation.

    Designed by a team led by Grace Hopper and Charles Katz. The program provides algebraic-style expressions and floating-point arithmetic. The name doesn't have any specific meaning.
  • Lisp

    Lisp is shorthand for List Processing. IT was developed by John McCarthy mostly for symbolic manipulation of complex structures.

    Developed by multiple computer manufacturers and the US government, COBOL stands for Common Business-oriented Language.It is one of the oldest programming languages, therefore it isn't very intuitive. It's most commonly used in business application.
  • RPG

    RPG was developed by a various teams at IBM for business purposes. It was meant to replicate punch card programs that ran through the IBM 1401. It stands for Report Program Generator.

    BASIC was developed at Dartmouth College by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz to introduce beginners to programming. It is an acronym for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.
  • LOGO

    LOGO was developed by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Paper. It was used as a computer language intended for children's learning. LOGO doesn't stand for anything specific.
  • B

    B was developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie . It's primary purpose was designed for non-numeric, machine-independent applications. The name may have come from Bon, an earlier programming language developed by Ken.

    PASCAL was created by Niklaus Wirth to teach young programmers good programming practices. It was named after Blaise Pascal who invented one of the first adding machines.
  • SQL

    SQL was developed at IBM by Donald Chamberlin and Raymond Boyce for data management and manipulation. It stands for Structure Query Language.
  • C

    C was developed by Dennis Ritchie and his team and Bell Lab. The name is inspired by the "parent" program "B." Its more intuitive and memory efficient program C++ is used more often with similar applications.
  • ML

    ML's full name is Meta Language. It was designed by Robin Milner and others at the University of Edinburgh for the purpose of being general-purpose. it has roots in Lisp.
  • C++

    C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup and Bell Lab while at work on his PhD thesis as a better version of C. It is an object-oriented program that has many applications such as cloud systems and banking, as well as graphics. It was originally called "C with Classes" (because one of the additions to C was classes) but eventually became C++.
  • Ada

    Ada was developed by a French team led by Jean Ichbiah of CII Honeywell Bull. It was designed as a general use language with business applications and even missile guidance systems. It was named after the 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelace who is regarded as the worlds first programmer.
  • Python

    Python was designed by Guido van Rossum as an object-oriented program. It is a general-purpose program with most applications in data analysis and visualization.
  • Visual Basic

    Designed by Microsoft, it creation goal was to allow programmers to program in multiple languages more visually, hence the name Visual Basic. It is relatively easy to learn and use.
  • PHP

    PHP was created as a server side scripting language. It is used to create dynamic web pages. PHP was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf and is an acronym for Personal Home Page.
  • Delphi

    Delphi was inspired by the Greek myth of the Oracle at Delphi. Developed by Borland, it has a wide variety of uses, mostly in desktop, mobile, and console software. *Delphi wasn't officially Delphi until much later, but for simplicity I have the date the project started as the date.
  • Java

    Java was created by James Gosling. Its original purpose was in television, however it was far too complex for the industry at the time. It's almost exclusive and object-oriented program.
  • JavaScript

    JavaScript was originally called Mocha, and has no connection with the language Java. It was designed at Netscape by Brendan Eich and is most often used in web page programming.