It was designed by Konrad Zuse and first appeared in 1948. It was used originally for engineering purposes. The name itself means "Plan Calculus." -
It was created by IBM in the mid-1950s for the IBM 704. It is mainly used for numeric computation and scientific computing. Its former name, FORTRAN, derives from Formula Translation. -
MATH-MATIC is the marketing name for Algebraic Translator 3, commonly known as AT-3. It first appeared in 1957 and was the programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. It was written by a team in 1955, with its leader being Charles Katz, and was under direction from Grace Hopper, who also wrote COBOL. It was minly used by businesses and contained "algebraic-style expressions." -
Lisp is one of the oldest programming languages, with it first appearing in 1958. It was designed by John McCarthy, but its developers were Steve Russell, Timothy P. Hart, and Mike Levin. It was created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs. Its original name was LISP, which derived from "LISt Processor." -
It was originally developed in the early 1950s and continued development into the early 1960s. It was created by Grace Murray Hopper and is primarily used business applications, hence its meaning: Common Business Oriented Language. -
RPG is a programming language created by IBM for business applications, and it first appeared in 1959. The name stands for "Report Program Generator." -
BASIC stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." It first appeared on May 1, 1964, and was designed by John G Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz at Dartmouth College. "They wanted to enable students in fields other than science and mathematics to use computers." -
LOGO is first appeared in 1967 and was designed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. However, its developers were Bolt, Beranke and Newman. Its roots are in AI, mathematical logic, and developmental pyschology, and is mainly "known for its use of turtle graphics." The name originates from the Greek word "logos", which means "word" or "thought". -
B was designed by Ken Thompson and, its developers were Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. It first appeared in 1969 and is "derived from BCPL," which means "Basic Combined Programming Language." It was developed at Bell Labs, and "...was designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine-independent applications, such as system and language software." -
It first appeared in 1970 and was designed by Niklaus Wirth. It was mainly used to teach programming courses at a university level, and used for writing commercial software. It is named after the French mathematician, physicist, inventor, and philosopher Blaise Pascal. -
C is a programming language designed by Dennis Ritchie and its developers were Dennis Ritchie, Bell Labs, ANSIC, upon others. It first appeared in 1972, and is used for general purposes. -
ML is a programming language used for general purposes and stands for "Meta Language." It was designed by Robin Milner and a few other students at the University of Edinburgh. It first appeared in 1973. -
SQL is a programming language that was designed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce, and released by the developer ISO/IEC. It first appeared in 1974 and stands for "Structured Query Language," and it was made for managing data held in a RDBMS. -
Created in February of 1980 by Jean Ichbiah and S. Tucker Taft. It was created for the US Defense Department and was used for several different purposes, such as business applications and/or systems for guiding rockets. The language was named after Augusta Ada Byron. -
It was created in 1985 by Bjarne Stroustrup, and it is used mostly for graphical applications.Its name means 'increment C by 1." -
It was designed by Guido van Rossum and released by Python Software Foundation. It first appeared in 1990 and is a "general-purpose programming language." -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic is a programming language created by Microsoft that first appeared in 1991. It is used to enable "...the rapid application development (RAD) of graphical user interface (GUI) applications..." -
Delphi was a RAD system that was developed in 1995. It was originally designed by Borland Software Corporation, but is now an IDE developed by Embarcadero Technologies and generates native code for many user interfaces. -
It was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf and first appeared in 1995. It was created for web development. Although the name originally meant "Personal Home Page," it now means "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor." -
It is a programming language that was released on May 23, 1995, by Sun Microsystems. It was designed by James Gosling, and is used for general-purpose programming. -
Javascript was designed by Brendan Eich and released on December 4, 1995, by several different developers; Netscape Communications Corporation, Mozilla Foundation, and Ecma International. It is a scripting language and is one of the "core technologies of the World Wide Web.