Transparent binary code

Programming Languages

By Kricha
  • Plankalkül

    Developed by Konrad Zuse. Plankalkül is made for engineering. Plankalkül is German for 'Plan Calculus'.
  • Fortran

    Developed by John Backus. Fortran is made for science and engineering. Fortran is a contraction of 'Formula Translation'.

    Developed by Remington Rand and Charles Katz. MATH-MATIC was an early maths program. An alternate name for MATH-MATIC is AT-3 or 'Algebraic Translator 3'.
  • Lisp

    Developed by John McCarthy and Steve Russell. Lisp was originally used for mathematics. Lisp stands for 'LISt Processor'.

    Designed by CODASYL (Committee on Data Systems Languages). COBOL is used for business and finance systems. COBOL stands for 'common business-oriented language'.
  • RPG

    Developed by IBM. RPG is used for business applications. RPG stands of Report Program Generator.

    Developed by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. BASIC allowed small businessmen to be able to develop their own custom software. BASIC is an acronym of 'Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code'.
  • LOGO

    Developed by Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Papert. LOGO was popular for drawing graphics. LOGO is derived from logos the Greek word for thought.
  • B

    Designed by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. B was used for language and system software. B may be a contraction for BPCL, however it is unconfirmed.

    Designed by Niklaus Wirth. Pascal was mainly developed to help people into good programming habits of structuring their data. Pascal is named after Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician.
  • C

    Developed by Dennis Ritchie. C is a program that supports other programs.
  • ML

    Developed by Robin Milner. ML is made to ensure safety of programs. ML stands for MetaLanguage.
  • SQL

    Developed by Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. SQL is designed to manage data. SQL stands for 'Structured Query Language'.
  • ADA

    Developed by Jean Ichbiah. ADA is designed to replace DoD. Ada is named after Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer.
  • C++

    Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ is an updated program version of C.
  • Python

    Designed by Guido van Rossum. Python runs about the same things as Java and C++, just in less lines of code.
  • Visual Basic

    Developed by Microsoft. Visual Basic is designed for easy use to create applications.
  • Delphi

    Developed by Borland. Delphi was developed for Microsoft Windows. It is named after the Oracle of Delphi from Greek Mythology.
  • PHP

    Developed by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP is made for web development. PHP used to be an acronym for ' Personal Home Page', but now it's an acronym for 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor'.
  • Java

    Designed by James Gosling. Java is a basic language made to run on all platforms with little to no issues. Java is named for Java Coffee
  • JavaScript

    Designed by Brendan Eich. JavaScript is used as the framework for most websites as well as PDFs, browsers, and more.