Konrad Zuse develops this programming language. The name comes from the German pronunciation of Plan Calculus. It is the first algorithmic programming language, with the goal of creating the theoretical preconditions for the solution of general problems -
It was developed by a team led by John Backus. It is mainly used for large-scale numerical calculations in science and engineering. FORTRAN is short for Formula Translating System. -
It was developed by Charles Katz. It was the early programming language for UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II. It was supposed to be an improvement on FORTRAN. The name is not an acronym. -
It was developed by John McCarthy at MIT. It was founded on the math theory of recursive functions. It is a function applied to data and is primarily used for artificial intelligence. LISP stands for List Processing. -
It was developed by Grace Hopper. It is primarily used in, and most famous in the business industry. Its full name is Common Business-Oriented Language. It was developed with the purpose of creating portability and readability among programs. -
This program was developed by IBM. It was designed to be used in business applications. The acronym stands for Report Program Generator. It is know for its program cycle, which means that the program has an implied loop. -
BASIC was developed by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth University. BASIC stands for Beginner's All-Purpose Instruction Code. Its was originally designed as an interacting mainframe timesharing language. It was meant to expose students in fields other than science and engineering to programming. It is widely used on personal computers. -
It was designed by Seymour Papert. It was meant to be a simplified programming language for educational purposes. It made it easy to program intricate and attractive patterns The name came from one of Papert's earlier porjectst to program a turtlelike robot. -
It was developed at Bell Labs by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie. It was designed for recursive, non-numeric, machine-independent applications such as system and language software. It is not clear where the name comes from. Since the program was derived from the BCPL program, it is believed B is shorter name for BCPL. -
It was designed by Niklaus Wirth as a small and efficient language. It was intended to promote good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring. It was named in honor of a French mathematician, philosopher and physicist named Blaise Pascal. -
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie, an American computer scientist, at Bell Labs. C was designed as a minimalist language primarily used in writing operating systems for minicomputers. Ritchie developed C to become a better version of B programming language; so he named it C. -
Robin Milner developed this programming language. ML stands for Meta Language. ML was developed for implementing an automatic theorem solver. -
Its full name is Structured Query Language; and the developer is IBM. Its primary purpose is eliciting information fro data bases. -
Ada was named after Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer.
Its primary purpose was large-scale programming. -
C++ was Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Laboratories. Stroustrup wanted to create a language that would allow for more complex programs and to combine the low-level features of BCPL with the high-level structures of Simula. C++ is also designed to make programming more enjoyable for the serious programmer. It is an extension of the C language so it was called C++. -
Visual Basic
Alan Cooper designed this programming language. VB allows for the rapid application development of graphical user interface applications, access to databases using Data Access Objects, Remote Data Objects, or ActiveX Data Objects, and creation of ActiveX controls and objects. The name is not an acronym. -
It was developed by Guido van Rossum. Python is not an acronym that stands for something. However, it is named after Monty Python. Its primary purpose is a program with incredible readability that can be used to code all sorts of programs. -
The developer is James Gosling, who worked at Sun Microsystems. It is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere", meaning that Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. JAVA is not an acronym. -
Javascript was developed at at Netscape Communications by Brendan Eich. This program is different that Java despite the fact that the common names.The name is the result of a co-marketing deal between Netscape and Sun It is meant to enable interactive web pages and so is an essential part of web applications. -
PHP was invented by Rasmus Lerdorf. It was designed to help during web development. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. -
Delphi was developed by Anders Hejlsberg at Borland. Embarcadero Technologies was also a developer. Its primary purpose is rapid application development of desktop, mobile, web, and console software. This id not an acronym. However, this programming language can also be known as Object Pascal.