The concept of Plankalkül was first thought up between 1943 to 1945, but was published in 1948 by Konrad Zuse. It has no derivation and is mainly used for engineering. It is the first high-level programming language designed for a computer. -
FORTRAN was created by John Backus. It was suited for numeric computation and scientific computing. Fortran used to be FORTRAN, taken from "Formula Translation". -
MATH-MATIC was developed by a team led by Charles Katz under the direction of Grace Hopper. MATH-MATIC was made for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II, and used algebraic-style expressions and floating-point arithmetic, as well as arrays. MATH-MATIC is actually the marketing name for the language, the real name being "AT-3 (Algebraic Translator 3) compiler". -
Lisp was developed by John McCarthy. The name derives from "LISt Processor". It was created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs, but quickly became the favored programming language for AI research. -
COBOL was created by Grace Hopper. It was created mainly for financial and business purposes, as well as administrative purposes. Its acronym is "Common Business-Oriented Language" -
RPG was a program developed by IBM for the purpose of replicating punched card processing on the IBM 1401. It stands for "Report Program Generator". -
BASIC was created by John George Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz. Its acronym stands for " Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code", and it was made so that students not in fields of math and science could use computers. -
LOGO is an educational programming language created by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon. Its supposed acronym stands for Language of Graphics Oriented, although a few people state that LOGO does not have an acronym, and instead is derived from the Greek word "Logos" meaning word or thought. -
B is a programming language made by Ken Thompson that was derived from BCPL. It has no acronym and it was made for reclusive, non-numeric, machine independent applications, like system and language software. -
PASCAL was made by Niklaus Wirth and Kathleen Jensen, and it was a small efficient language that used structured programming and data structuring to encourage good programming practices. It has no acronym. -
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie, and was made in order to re-implement the Unix operating system. It is one of the most widely known programming languages in use. It has no acronym. -
ML was made by Robin Milner and was created in order to develop proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover. ML stands for "Meta Language". -
SQL was a language created by IBM and was used for managing data held in relational database management systems, or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system. Its acronym is "Structured Query Language". -
ADA was made by Jean Ichbiah. It first targeted embedded and real-time systems. However, the Ada 95 revision improved support for systems, numerical, financial, and object-oriented programming. It has no acronym. -
C++ was made by Bjarne Stroustrup and is a general-purpose programming language. However, it was made with performance, efficiency and flexibility of use as its design highlights. It does not have an acronym. -
Visual Basic
Visual Basic was developed by Microsoft, and is derived from BASIC, a language earlier mentioned in this timeline. It was made for the purpose of being a user-friendly programming language suited for beginners. It does not have an acronym. -
Python was created by Guido van Rossum. Its purpose was to be more efficient, empathizing code readability and allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code than possible in languages such as C++ or Java. It has no acronym. -
Java was made by James Gosling, and was designed so that compiled Java code could run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation, unlike other languages. It has no acronym. -
Javascript was created by Brendan Eich, and is on of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production. Most websites use it, and all modern Web browsers support it without the need for plug-ins. It has no acronym. -
PHP was made by Rasmus Lerdorf, for web development, though it is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Its recursive acronym (an acronym that refers to itself in the acronym) is "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor". -
Dephi (Embarcadero Delphi)
Delphi was first introduced to the public by Anders Hejlsberg. Its primary function was to be a rapid application development tool for Windows, although it is now used as a programming language and software development kit for desktop, mobile, web, and console applications. It has no acronym.