Designed by: John Backus Purpose: Fortran is normally used for numeric computation and Scientific computing fortran stands for FORula TRANslating system. -
Designed by: John McCarthy Purpose: Lisp was orginally created as practical mathmatic notation for computer programs. -
Prmarily Designed by: Grace Hopper
It was one of the fist Programing languages. Purpose: COBOL is was designed for use in the buisness and finance domain. COBOL stands for COmmon Buisness Oriented Language. -
Developed by: IBM Purpose: RPG was used by IBM to replicate punch card processing. RPG IV provides a modern programming enviorment -
Designed by: John George Kemeny & Thomas Eugene Klutz Purpose: Designed to let less technical users to program. Stands for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -
Dewsigned by: Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert Purpose: Logo is a educational programming language that was orginally designed to teach programming related to Lisp. -
Desiged by: Ken Thompson Purpose: B was based on BCPL bt stripped of any non-essential components to fit within the memory capacity of microcomputers -
Designed by: Niklaus Wirth Purpose: Pascal is a effcient language intended to encourage good programming practices. -
Desiged by: Dennis Ritchie Purpose: To be a straight foward compilier and provide low-level access to memory. -
Designed by: Konrad Zuse Purpose: Plankalkül was designed for engineering purposes. -
Designed by: Robin Milner Purpose: ML was designed to develop proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover. ML normally stands for Metalanguage -
Designed by: Donald D. Chamberlin, Raymond F. Boyce Purpose: SQL was designed for managing data in a relational database management system SQL stands for Structured Query Language. -
Designed by: Jean Ichbiah Purpose: Ada was designed to supersede the programming languages used by the U.S Department of Defense -
Designed by: Bjarne Stroustrup Purpose: C++ is an enhancment to C by adding many features like classes, templates, and exception handling -
Developed by: Apple, Niklaus Wirth Purpose: Main programming language of Embarcardo Delphi -
Designed by: Guido Van Rossum Purpose: Python enphasizes code readability and allows exspressing of concepts in fewer lines than most code. -
Visual Basic
Developed by: Microsoft Purpose: VIsual Basic is intended to be easy to learn and is derived from basic. -
Developed by: James Gosling Purpose: Java is designed to be a Write One, Run Anywhere Language that can be run on any Java Virtual Machine regardless of computer architecture. -
Designed by: Brendon Eich Purpose: Javascript is commonly used in Web Browsers -
Designed by: Rasmus Lerdorf Purpose: PHP is designed for web development.