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Programming Language Development

  • QWERTY Keyboard

    QWERTY Keyboard
    Is responsiable for the majority of computer languages ever created, Was created based on an analysis of key likely to cause jams. Was designed to separate likely offenders, like T and H
  • Binary Code

    Binary Code
    Binary Code was Claude Shannon's thesis on translating text into mathmatical code was the foundation for the first fully operational electromechanical computer.
  • Fortran

    FormulaTranslation is the oldest language in still in use, Developed by John Backus to preform high-level scientific and mathmatical computations

    Common Business Oriented Language is the code behind the majority of buisness transaction system running credit card processing, ATMs, telephone and cell calls, hospital systems, government, automatic systems, and traffic signals systems.
    Developded by a team, led by Dr. Grace Murrsry Hopper.
    Is a unifrom, user-friendly language for business transactions.
  • Basic

    Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code was developed by students at Darthmouth College to be a simplified language for those without a strong technical or mathmatical background. A modified version written by Bill Gates and Paul Allen became microsoft's first product.
  • C Code

    C Code
    Developed between 1969 and 1973 by Dennis ritchie at the Bell telephone laboratories for use with the unix operating system. Named because the earlier language was "B" C was so powerful that a later code called "C-" was used for the unix.
  • Pascal

    Blais Pascal was credited for inventing the first adding machine in 1641, making the the tool-7 for commercial use. Still used by Skype today.
  • C++

    Bell Lass and Bjarne Stroustruo were credited for making the most popular programming language ever, C++. Used by MS Office, ADOBE, PDF, and FireFox.
  • Peral

    Larry Wall, a unix programmer created Practical Extratction report Language after attempting to extract data for a report and finding Unix couldn't preform the operation he needed. Cragslist uses Peral.
  • Python

    Monthy Python served as the inspiration for the name of this language. Quido Van Russum developed Python to fix problems in the ABC language and countinues to serve as its lead desighner.
  • Ruby

    Kukinhiro "mate" Matsumuto named Ruby after Julys birthstone. He developed the language by blending parts of his favorite codes,
  • JavaScript

    Unrelated to Java, was developed by Brendan Eich of Netspace under the name of mocha. Uses sytext influenced by that of C.
  • PHP

    Ramsmus Lerdorf developed PHP to replace a set pf peral scripts used to maintain his personal home page. Today, PHP has grown into an integral part of web architecture running on over 20 million websites. Commonly used by Facebook.
  • Java

    A team of Microsoft Developers lead by James Gosliny created Jave to run set top boxes for interactive television. Now runs on over 11 billion PCs worldwide and was used on the 2011 Mars Rover.
  • Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails
    Extracted by David Heinemeier Hanssum from his work on Basecamp. Now on version 3.0:7 and has more than 1,800 contributors. A single game on the IPhone uses over 2 million lines of code.