Plankalkül was used for engineering purposes and the idea was published sometime in 1948 by Konrad Zuse. It's name means "formal system for planning" -
Used for scientific computing and numeric analysis, the idea for FORTRAN was created in 1957 by John W. Backus. The name is an acronym for Formula Translation -
Created in 1957 by Charles Katz, MATH-MATIC is used for business data. -
John Mccarthy came up with LISP in 1958, which is used for mathematical notation for computers. LISP stands for LISt Processor -
Created by Howard Bromberg, Howard Discount, Vernon Reeves, Jean E Samnet, William Selden, and Gertrude Tierney in 1959 for business usage. COBOL is an acronym standing for Common Business Oriented Language. -
Intended for business applicaations, IBM created RPG- or Report Program Generator- in 1959. -
John G Kemey and Thomas E Kurtz came up with BASIC, or Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, in 1964 as a teaching language. -
Daniel G Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon created LOGO- which was named after the Latin word Logos, meaning thought- in 1967. It's better known as Turtle Grpahics, which means it commands movement and drawing produced ideas. -
Nikalus Wirth named Pascal after Blaise Pascal when he created it in 1968; it's structured programming. -
In 1969 Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie founded B, which is thought to stand for Bon, which is used for recursive, non numeric machine independent applications -
In 1972, Dennis Ritchie created the all purpose language, C. -
Robert Milner in 1973 created ML, which stood for Metalanguage. ML was used for Hindler Milner type inference algorithms. -
SQL, or Structured Query Language, stores-manipulates-and queries data. It was created in 1974 by Donald D Chamberlain and Raymond F. Boyce -
Created vy th High Order Language Group in 1975, ADA- named after the first programmer Ada Lovelace- is used for embedding and real time systems. -
Created by Byarne Stroustrup in 1979, C++ was created for writing programs for different purposes- like video games, software, etc. -
Guido van Rossum created Python in 1991 and it deals with websites, database access, games, etc. -
Rasmus Lerdof created PHP, "PHP: Hypertext PreProcessor", in 1994. It's uses for general purpose fall under web environment. -
Danny Thorpe come up with the idea of Delphi, named after the Oracle at Delphi, in 1995. It focused on console, graphical web,mobile applications,etc -
James Gosling in 1995 created Java, a language that is the building block for many applications. -
Not related in any way to Java, Javascript is very similar to Java. Javascript was created in 1995 by Brendan Eich. Its been used for forms and giving feedback,