Drebbel's temperature regulator
Jacquard's loom
Analytical Engine
Electricity is starting to be supplied to US homes
Heinrich Hertz generates radio waves
Henry Ford installs the world’s first moving conveyor belt-based assembly line in his car factory
The transistor, a vital part of today's electronic systems, was invented
The first electronic computer
Devol's programmable robot arm
Silicon solar cells with 6% efficiency made
The inertial navigation system
Unimate, industrial robot
Carbon fibre is developed which is twice as strong as the same weight of steel.
The integrated circuit
Unisurf, cad/camera system
Lunokhod1, rover
Shakey, the robot
Canadarm, the shuttle remote manipulator system
The introduction of the PC to homes and offices
The first smartphone
Roomba, Vacuum
Hubo, a mobile robot