Programming History Timeline

  • Samuel Sommerring's Wire Telegraph

    Samuel Sommerring's Wire Telegraph
    Samueal Sommerring's Wire Telegraph
    Samuel Sommerring created a telgraph-like machine that used wires fro every letter in the alphabet and the numbers between 0 and 9.
  • Analytical Engine

    Analytical Engine
    Analytical EngineAnalytic Engine
    Charles Babbage created the analytic engine which used punch cards, flow control, and a had Arithmetic Logic Unit to memorize things.
  • Konrad Zuse Invents PLANKALKUL

    Konrad Zuse Invents PLANKALKUL
    Plankalkul BritannicaKonrad Zuse makes the Plankalkul which is the first computer programming language that was able to make the computer follow routines and procdures.
  • John Backus invents FORTRAN

    John Backus invents FORTRAN
    FORTRAN was the first high level programming system because it was closely related to human language and is still used today.
  • LISP Programming is Created

    LISP Programming is Created
    LISP Britannica
    A new high level programming is created called LISP which was capable of using mathematical formulas to solve equations.
  • IBM 7030 Stretch

    IBM 7030 StretchIBM releases their IBM 7030 stretch super computer which was one of the first computers to have 64-bits of memory.
  • A Programming Language By: Kenneth Iverson

    A Programming Language By: Kenneth Iverson
    Kenneth Iverson A Programming Language
    Kenneth Iverson's book titled, A Programming Language, is published. It included mathematical notatations that he had created in the 1950s.
  • COBOL is invented

    COBOL stands for Common Business-Oriented language and is a simpler way of readability of computer programs designed for business use.
  • Third Generation Computers

    Third Generation Computers
    Third Generation Computers
    Computers began using integrated circuit boards that made computer smaller and faster.
  • C programming is released

    C programming is released
    C Programming
    C programming is released by Dennis Ritchie and his team. The program is still used today.
  • Internet is introduced

    Internet is introduced
    History of the InternetThe term "interent" is first coined by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn.
  • The first computer virus is detected

    The first computer virus is detected
    History of the Internet
    Fred Cohen introduces the first computer virus that infects a computer, copies itself, and then infects another computer through a floppy disk.
  • Microsoft introduces Word

    Microsoft introduces Word
    Timeline of Comuter History
    Microsoft introduces an app that allows people to type stuff onto a document.
  • Larry Wall creates PERL

    Larry Wall creates PERL
    History of COmpuet Programming Timeline
    Larry Wall creates PERL which is an acronym for Practical Extraction and Report Language. It was a program that could create reports from scanning and extracting information from text files.
  • Photoshop is released

    Photoshop is released
    History of Computer Programming
    Photoshop is a photo editing software that was created by John and Thomas Knoll.
  • Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Visual Basic History
    Visual Basic is created that was an easier and more user-friendly software.
  • Java is introduced

    Java is introduced
    Java History
    Java was intended to be ran on any system and be an independent software. It is one of the most used programs in the world.