Programming History Timeline

  • First "Computer Program"

    Translated Charles Babbage's lecture about his analytical engine into French. This was believed to be the first computer program.
  • First algorithmic programming language

    Konrad Zuse started to work on Plankalkul, the first algorithmic programming language
  • First compiler

    Grace Hopper completed what is considered to be the first compiler, a program which allowed people to use English-like words instead of numbers programming.
  • First programming language

    FORTRAN was designed at IBM for scientific computing
  • First Interactive Computer Game

    Some MIT students create SpaceWar!, which is considered as the first interactive comoputer game.
  • First Computer Drawing Program

    Sketchpad, an interactive computer drawing system, is published by Ivan Sutherland
  • Creation of BASIC

    Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny create BASIC, an easy-to-learn programming language for their students at Dartmouth College.
  • Programming language C is created

    Dennis Richie creates C, one of the most widely used programming languages of the time.
  • Creation of C++

    Bjarne Stoustrup designs C++, an improved version of C that includes classes.
  • Release of Sim City

    Sim City, a revolutionary "God-game," is created by Will Wright
  • Java developed

    Programming language Java is developed by James Gosling and named after the amount of coffee consumed during the development of the language.
  • Javascript is developed

    Programming language Javascript is developed by Brendan Eich for use on webpages
  • Wi-Fi is standardized

    Wi-Fi becomes popular and is finally standardized throughout the country