Created by Konrad Zuse and was designed for engineering, and was the first high-level non-van Neumann programming language. -
Period: to
Programming Languages (Years of appearance)
Created by John Backus at IBM to allow easy translation of math formulas into code, and was the first high-level language. It stands for FORmula TRANslation. -
Created by Charles Katz as the language for UNIVAC I and II and was intended as an imporvment over FORTRAN. -
Created by John McCarthy as to have practical mathematical notation for computer programs. Lisp pioneered many ideas in modern computer science and is still used today. -
Created by Grace Hopper for use in buisness, finance, and administrative systems, but is not widely used anymore. It stands for COmmon Buisness Oriented Language. -
Created by IBM and was originally used for punched card machines and is still used today on IBM Power i platform. It stands for Report Program Generator. -
Created by John G. Kennedy and Thomas E. Kurtz and stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." BASIC was created in order to help everybody use a computer instead of just mathematicians and scientists. -
Created by Wally Feurzeigand Seymour Papert, and is a dialect of Lisp. It was designed to teach concepts of programing related to Lisp. -
Created by Ken Thompson to try to create a language that can fit into mini-computers of the times. B is a precursor to the more popular "C" language. -
Created by Niklaus Wirth and was intended to encourage positive programming practices. -
Created by Dennis Ritchie and is now a base which many other newer languages borrow from. C encourages cross-platform programming andwas at one time the international standard. -
Created by Robin Milner and was desgined to develop proof tactics in the LCF thoerem prover. It stands for Meta-Language. -
Created by Donald D. Chamberlain and Raymond F. Boyce and was designed for managing data held in a relational database management system. It stands for Structured Query Language. -
This language was created by Jean Ichbiah and Cii Honeywell Bull for the military to have a standard lanuage, and was named after Ada Lovelace. -
Created by Bjarne Stroustrup and was designed to be an easy to use general purpose language, and it became one of the most widely used of the time. -
Created by Guido van Rossum, and its philosphy is to emphasize coding effeciency and readability. -
Visual Basic
Created by Microsoft and was desgined to be easy to learn and use for those learning how to program. -
Created by Borland and essensially object Pascal but with tools similar to Visual Basic. -
Created by Rasmus Lerdorf and was designed for web development. It standed for Personal Home Page origianlly, but now stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. -
Created James Gosling and Sun Microsystems and was originally desgined for interactive T.V. but was too advanced for the time. Java is one ofthe most popularly used languages today. -
Created by Brandon Eich and is used widely as a part of web browsers and other things like desktop widgets.