Production Schedule

  • Planning the project

  • Research/Case Studies

    We had to buy 2 magazines and scan in the front cover, contents and the DPS for both magazines. After scanning it in, we had to analyse it in detail.
  • Preliminary Task: LSC magazine (Planning)

    Here we had to create a magazine for the college with the pictures we took. This was done so we had an idea of how our music magazine will appear.
  • Audience Feedback and evaluation - preliminary task/colllege magazine

  • Magazine newsstand task/ distribution of magazines

  • Drafting and finalizing house styles, drafts and layouts

  • Audience research task

  • Photography (Construction)

  • Desktop Publishing and editing your music magazine(Construction)

  • Audience research-main task/ music magazine (Planning/Evaluation)

  • Planning and Evaluation

  • Creating the Evaluation

  • Complete