Production Schedule

  • creative ideas and scheduling

    speak about my creative ideas and producing a production shedule.
  • research/ case studies

    gathering case studies and writing what is similar and what video influenced my ideas etc.
  • Focus groups/ Pitch

    initial pre-production audience feedback on my idea and treatment.
  • Treatment

    rough plan of what i intend to do.
  • Focus groups/ Pitch

    making changes to the treatment and upload the new version.
  • workshops

    we will be having practical work shops for DSLR cameras and how techniques could be used, and editing/final cut pro in the week comencing
  • booking the cameras

    we will be getting the booking forms for the cameras by the 9th
  • Pre-production

    once treatment approved by teacher, and audience feedback, i will need to draw up a detailed storyboard etc.
    actual deadline the 21st oct but our aim is to get it done earlier
  • Shooting the video

    deadline of the filming will be on this date
  • Editing

    deadline for editing is on this date
  • Research and planning the film poster and magazine page

    Case studies for this is due on this date
  • Research and planning the film poster and magazine page

    Mock ups and pitching my print ideas are due on this date
  • Producing the film poster and magazine review page

    all photography needs to be complete before this date
  • Producing the film poster and magazine review page

    taking print screens and blogging my progress will be due on this date
  • Post-production focus groups

    screening finished short film and show target audience my print artefacts
  • Evaluation

    evaluation finshed by this date
  • editing evaluation