Product Evolution Activity - CPU - Alex Hines

By 176398
  • Discovery of Silicon

    Discovery of Silicon
    Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius discovers silicon (Si), which today is the basic component of processors. Link text
  • Logic Switches

    Logic Switches
    Nikola Tesla patents electrical logic circuits called "gates" or "switches". Link text
  • First Transistor

    First Transistor
    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories. Link text
  • Patent on First Transistor

    Patent on First Transistor
    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley patent the first transistor. Link text
  • Development of First Integrated Circut

    Development of First Integrated Circut
    The first integrated circuit is first developed by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor and Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. The first IC was demonstrated on September 12, 1958. Link text
  • Intel Corporation

    Intel Corporation
    Intel Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore. Link text
  • AMD

    Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is founded on May 1, 1969. Link text
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    Intel with the help of Ted Hoff introduces the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 on November 15, 1971. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000 operations per second (OPS), addressed 640 bytes of memory, and cost $200.00. Link text
  • Period: to


    AMD, Intel, and many other companies release new processors left and right, with better and better technology every year, constant innovations are made to the CPU. Link text