Prenatal Timeline

  • Period: to

    Month 1 (Conception)

    The child is conceived.
  • Period: to

    Month 1

    Just becoming pregnant.
  • Ovulation

    Egg and sperm meet and you are officially started as a pregnant person.
  • Period: to

    1st Trimester

    Beginning of pregnancy. Make prenatal appointment. Cut down on caffeine. Make sure all activities are pregnancy-safe.
  • Learning

    Go ask other previously or current woman what to do and what not to do. Buy the pregnancy and baby books. Need to learn all things possible to make sure that your pregnancy is safe and the least stressful as possible.
  • 3 Weeks

    Your baby is a tiny ball – called a blastocyst – made up of several hundred cells that are multiplying quickly.
  • Week 4

    Deep in your uterus, your baby is an embryo made up of two layers, and your primitive placenta is developing.
  • Period: to

    Month 2

    The real beginning to pregnancy.
  • Week 5

    The pregnancy sores and fatigue start to happen.
  • Week 6

    Baby starts to take shape and you start with your morning sickness.
  • Week 7

    Uterus had doubled in size. Babies hands start to form.
  • Week 8

    Your baby is constantly moving, though you can't feel it. Meanwhile, you may be making decisions about prenatal tests.
  • Period: to

    Month 3

  • Week 9

    Nearly an inch long now, your baby is starting to look more human. You've probably noticed your waist thickening.
  • Week 10

    Your baby has finished the most critical part of development! Organs and structures are in place and ready to grow.
  • Week 11

    Your baby's hands will soon open and close into fists, and tiny tooth buds are appearing underneath the gums.
  • Week 12

    Your little one's teeny toes can curl, her brain is growing furiously, and her kidneys are starting to excrete urine.
  • Period: to

    Month 4

  • Week 13

    Week 13
    It's the last week of the first trimester! Your baby now has exquisite fingerprints and is almost 3 inches long.
  • Period: to

    2nd Trimester

    Middle of pregnancy. Buy new shoes. Start pediatrician shopping. Plan your leave. Get your nutrients. Take childbirth classes.
  • Week 14

    Your baby's tiny features are making different expressions. And you may be feeling more energetic and less nauseated.
  • Week 15

    Your baby can sense light and is forming taste buds. Have a stuffy nose? It's a surprising pregnancy side effect.
  • Week 16

    Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length.
  • Week 17

    Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker.
  • Period: to

    Month 5

  • Week 18

    Your baby's genitals are developed enough to see on an ultrasound. Hungry? An increase in appetite is normal now.
  • Week 19

    Go ahead and sing: Your baby may be able to hear you! And if your sides are aching, it could be round ligament pain.
  • Week 20

    Congratulations, you're at the halfway mark in your pregnancy! Your baby is swallowing more now and producing meconium.
  • Week 21

    Feeling your baby move? Those early flutters will turn into full-fledged kicks. Cool fact: She has eyebrows now!
  • Period: to

    Month 6

  • Week 22

    Your baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. And your growing belly may be turning into a hand-magnet.
  • Week 23

    When you're on the move, your baby can feel the motion. Pretty soon, you may notice swelling in your ankles and feet.
  • Week 24

    Your baby is long and lean, like an ear of corn. And your growing uterus is now the size of a soccer ball.
  • Week 25

    Your little one is starting to add some baby fat and grow more hair. Your hair may be looking extra lustrous, too.
  • Period: to

    Month 7

  • Week 26

    Your baby is inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is good practice for breathing.
  • Week 27

    Feel a tickle? It may be your baby hiccupping. He's also opening and closing his eyes and even sucking his fingers.
  • Week 28

    Week 28
    Welcome to your last trimester! Your developing baby's eyes may be able to see light filtering in through your womb.
  • Period: to

    3rd Trimester

    End of your pregnancy. Use pillows for comfort. Practice your posture. Stay hydrated. Pack your hospital bag.
  • Week 29

    Your baby's muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing to make room for her developing brain.
  • Week 30

    Your baby now weighs almost 3 pounds. Meanwhile, you may be battling mood swings, clumsiness, and fatigue.
  • Period: to

    Month 8

  • Week 31

    Your baby's strong kicks might be keeping you up at night – and you may be feeling Braxton Hicks contractions, too.
  • Week 32

    Your baby is plumping up! Meanwhile, your expanding uterus may cause heartburn and shortness of breath.
  • Week 33

    With your baby now weighing a little over 4 pounds, you might be waddling – and having trouble getting comfy in bed.
  • Week 34

    Your baby's central nervous system and lungs are maturing, and dizziness and fatigue may be slowing you down.
  • Period: to

    Month 9

  • Week 35

    Your baby is too snug in your womb to do somersaults, but you'll still feel frequent – if less dramatic – movements.
  • Week 36

    Your baby is gaining about an ounce a day. You may feel her "drop" down into your pelvis as you approach your due date.
  • Week 37

    Your baby's brain and lungs are continuing to mature. You may have more vaginal discharge and occasional contractions.
  • Week 38

    Your baby has a firm grasp, which you'll soon be able to test in person! Meanwhile, watch out for signs of preeclampsia.
  • Week 39

    Your baby is full term this week and waiting to greet the world! If your water breaks, call your healthcare provider.
  • Week 40

    Your baby is the size of a small pumpkin! Don't worry if you're still pregnant – it's common to go past your due date.
  • Delivery

    You have had the baby.
  • Week 41

    As cozy as he is, your baby can't stay inside you much longer. You'll go into labor or be induced soon.