Prenatal Timeline

  • Conception-Month 1

    Conception-Month 1
    Egg is fertilized by sperm cell. The egg travels through fallopian tubes to uterus. Egg implants into uterus. Mother might have a little bleeding from implantation. EPF is released. Morning sickness will start. Mother might get cravings. During whole pregnancy, you shouldn't drink or smoke. Feed body 300 extra calories. Won't know you're pregnant, so diet won't change much.
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Miscarriage is a big concern. Eyelids are forming, as well as ears. The tip of the nose is distinguishable. Arms & legs are formed. Mom experiencing morning sickness, fatigue, and headaches.Eat small, high-carb meals during the day. Crackers can help the stomach. Stay away from teratogens.
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    Babies sex organs start to become clear. Fetus will start making movements. You are able to hear the fetus' heartbeat. Nausea will continue. Will also continue to have fatigue and cravings. Might have white discharge. Gums will be sore, so maintain good dental hygiene. Eat a high-fiber diet and drink lots of water. Gets lots of sleep and exercise safely.
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    Baby is now recognizable. Eyes are almost fully developed. Fetus has developed most organs and tissues. Mother's bladder starts moving. Eyesight might be blurry. Belly will start to swell. Get out of bed slowly, and don't strain yourself. Try to avoid greasy foods. Eat cold foods like popsicles and ice cream.
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    Fingernails are well-formed. Fetus is emptying its bladder every 45 mins. The placenta is fully established. Mother might have more energy. Morning sickness will probably stop. Belly is growing larger at this point. Start eating foods with lots of iron. Start registering for child birthing classes.
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    Eyebrows develop. Body starts shifting downwards to prepare for being born. Fine hair begins to develop on body. Mother will start feeling baby move. You're circulation changes, so you'll need to stand up and walk more often. You'll begin to leak colostrum. Eat vitamin C rich foods. Focus on eating wholesome foods. Support your back and stomach with pillows.
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    Eyes can open. Fetus can distinguish light from dark. Deposits of fat begin to retain heat. Mother might gain 3-4 pounds. Back will ache because of the weight. Mother might get leg cramping. Swimming and regular exercises can help. Try to find substitutes to foods that don't taste good to get nutrients. Start to pre-register at the hospital.
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Eyelashes are developing. Skin is very wrinkled from being in liquid for so long. Fetus begins regulating its own temperature. Mother might start feeling Braxton Hicks contractions. Might start getting more irritable. You will get tired easier. Start birthing classes. Try working for shorter hours.
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Fetus starts developing chemical to help with breathing after birth. The irises respond to light. Also puts on about two pounds of weight. Sleeping will be difficult. Heartburn will be very prominent/painful. Belly will be growing a lot. Taking a warm shower before sleeping can help. Start packing the hospital bag. Shopping for larger clothes may be needed.
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Organ systems are completing. Fetus is most likely head down. Most of lanugo has fallen off. There will be more of a need to urinate. Breathing might get easier. Belly will change. Prepare for the hospital stay. Get lots of sleep. Get numbers of places needed for when you go into labor.
  • Delivery

    Baby is fully developed. Head is downwards in preparation for birth. Amniotic sac is draining/refilling very often. Mother will start getting painful contractions. Water will break, either at once or in small amounts over a certain period. Stomach will be very big. Go to the hospital. Many mothers get epidurals. Try breathing exercises though contractions.