day 1-4, the zygote has formed a small solid cluster of cells known as a morula. day 6-7, the morula grows to a blastocys. mother may expirience some light vaginal bleeding, but if you have assumptions you may be pregnant this is when you need to stop drinking, smoking and you ned to check what oyur eating. -
first month
about day 15, the blastocyst becomes an embryo. As month one is ending, your baby's heart is beating, lung buds have appeared, and construction of the gastrointestinal system and liver are underway. some changes he mother may feel is nausea, fatigue, and food sensitivity. some tips are taking naps, slow down at work, and eat more carbohydrates. -
second month
your baby will start out the size of a peppercorn but end the size of a cranberry bean. dividing ball of cells takes on a more human form. The heart is beating, the brain is developing and she has developed all her limbs as well as hands and feet. some symptoms the mother will feel is nausea, moodiness as hormone levels adjust, and food sensitivity. some tips can be smoking and drinking, stop drinking caffeine, and you should make changes in your lifestyle so you and your baby will be healthy. -
third month
The embryo develops into a fetus after 10 weeks. Fingers and toes grow longer. The umbilical cord connects the abdomen of the fetus to the placenta. some things mother can be going through during this month is morning sickness, fatigue, and frequent urination. some tips is to eat vitamin B6 foods, fresh fruits, and carbohydrates. -
fourth month
Fingernails, toenails, and bones are forming, and a fine layer of hair covers most of her body. Baby's Weight: 0.49 oz. some things the mother will feel is the pressure on your bladder should start to let up a bit. your belly has the room to swell, your belly has the room to swell. some tips are to not eat seafood, junk food but dairy products are a good thing. -
fifth month
Baby's Length: 6.02 in. Baby's Weight: 8.47 oz. His brain now controls all the muscles in her body; he is able to move. mother may feel little flutters like a butterfly in her stomach. Heartburn, constipation are also things mother can experience. some tips is just making sure your eating correctly and getting sleep and putting your feet up as much as possible. -
sixth month
Baby's Length: 10.94 in. Baby's Weight: 15.17 oz. lungs are developing rapidly. some things mother can experience, sharp pains in your hip, abdomen or groin and the round ligaments, which are attached to your pelvic sidewall and each side of your upper uterus, are pulled and stretched. some tips is getting sleep and making sure your eating correctly for you and your baby. -
seventh month
Baby's Length: 13.62 in. Baby's Weight: 1.46 lb. He's developing a firm grasp and may reach out and grab the umbilical cord. mother can experience feeling more tired and achy, you may also be experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes numb and tingly fingers. some tips are gonna be the same, eating well, mentally preparing yourself and sleeping. -
eighth month
Baby's Length: 17.20 in. Baby's Weight: 4.23 lbs. Her bones are fully developed by now, and she's turning her head, pirouetting, and moving her body from side to side. you may feel tired and have a more difficult time breathing as your uterus grows upward. You may get varicose veins — blue or red swollen veins most often in the legs. some tips are getting sleep, making sure you can handle the pain and eating enough. -
ninth month
he mostly stretches and wiggles, instead of delivering big kicks. Baby's Length: 19.61 in. Baby's Weight: 6.80 lbs. the mother will feel kicking. and can have discharge. at any point now the mothers water can break and the baby is on its way. -
Baby's Length: 20.16 to 21 in. Baby's Weight: 7.63 to 9 lbs. Soon you'll feel your first real contractions. lasting up to a minute each, or even a bit longer. You'll feel this intense pain radiating through your stomach, lower back and upper thighs. some tips are to get an epidural. everyone copes with pain in different ways so you have to find one that works with you.