Conception Month 1
The baby is gaining more cells, and the ectoderm will become your baby's nervous system, hair and skin, and the endoderm will form your baby's, gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and thyroid. The mother will have rising progesterone levels cause fatigue, and the increase in estrogen levels cause nausea. Flooding hormones will cause breast tenderness, and food cravings. The mother could change her diet, and should she makes sure she knows her body well, and her menstrual cycle. -
Month 1
The babys neutral tube, and heart are beginning to form, and is now a size of a pencil point, and more organs are starting to develop. The mothers period is now late, and having swollen and tender breasts, and deep fatigue and gaining about 5 pounds. The mother should now be careful of what shes doing, eating, and drinking. She should still change her diet, and watch her mood swings. -
Month 2
The heart, brain, bones, and muscles being to form. Arms and legs are coming but start as little bumps, and baby will have a big head because of the brain. Mother will have pain in uterus, thirsty, and vaginal secretions. The mother should eat healthy foods, rest, and eat regularly. -
Month 3
The mothers breasts are still changing and growing, and will gain around 2 pounds. You may breakout if your prone to acne. The baby's external sex organs are developing, and the umbilical cord connects to the placenta and uterine wall. The mother should maybe see a doctor to maintain a healthy die, and rest, and keep hydrated. -
Month 4
The baby's toes and fingers are now developed. Eyelids, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails, and hair are formed, and teeth and bones are becoming denser. The baby's nervous system is now functioning. The mother will have heartburn and constipation, and her breasts will grow and have soreness. Increased blood flow will occur and cause bleeding. The mother should sleep, and get tons of rest. She should make sure she is eating healthy still, and maintaining her diet -
Month 5
The mother will have symptoms like backache, dizziness, Achy feet and swollen ankles, and mood swings. The baby's weight is doubled in the last 2 week of the 5 weeks, and the blood vessels will be visible, and the baby can now has a fingerprint. The mother should make sure she keeps a good posture, and have a increased appetite, and start talking to your baby. -
Month 6
The amount of the mothers blood is growing, and the load of the back muscles and spine increases, and the mother will feel tightening in her uterus. The baby can start hiccuping, and the neck can become later. The fetus beings to make constant respiratory movements. The mother should try to avoid body positions which put heavy pressure on your legs, and do excercises, and sleep more than 8 hours -
Month 7
The mother will expect heartburn, upset stomach, and spasms in stomach, and have breathing difficulties, and may develop anemia. The baby becomes active and you can feel its movements, and the adipose tissue is forming under the skin, and the length of the baby is 15.7 inches. The mother should watch their weight so it doesn't cause back problems, and watch the major mood swings, and be careful for what you eat and drink. -
Month 8
The babys kidneys are mature, and most body organs are now developed except for the lungs, and overall growth is rapid this month. The mother will have backaches, and hemorrhoids, and will have leaky breasts. The mother will have to have a settled breathing because she will become frusturated easily, and keep yourself hydrated, and keep good posture. -
Month 9
The baby's bones are now developed, and the lungs are now ready for birth, and the muscles are a lot stronger than before. The mother has nesting, and will have increased urination, and will have body aches. The mother should start preparing herself for the baby to come, and learn breathing techniques, and watch out for signs from the baby. -
The mother will have signs of labor like lighting, or have a bloody show, or have severe contractions. The baby's head has now dropped down to the mothers pelvis and is ready to be delivered. The mother should practice breathing techniques so her delivery goes well.