Conception-1 month
Conception and the first month at this time it is difficult to know when the day of conception occurred. At this point the mother is also living normally and may not know that she is pregnant. The egg is growing and the sack is filling with fluids. -
2 Month
During the this month your baby's heart starts to form and their fingers and and toes. The gender of the baby can also be seen around 7-8 weeks. As a mom you may be very tired, needing to pee more often, and you may have tender breasts. The size can be compared to a grape -
3 month
In the 3rd month of pregnancy all major functions and muscles are in development. As a mother you may start to get morning sickness and the foods you eat at this stage are very important. A small baby bump will be showing at the end of the 2 months the baby is around the size of a lime -
4 month
The reveal of the gender may be revealed. The baby weights about 100g . As a mother you will really start to grow and will need to be eating a lot more. Movement will also start. The baby is about the size of an avocado. -
5 month
In this month your baby will gain it's full circular shape. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water. The baby will be moving and kicking a lot. The baby will be about the size of a small banana -
6 month
The baby becomes viable and is capable outside of the body with intensive care. As a mom you may feel that you have mood swings and a hard time sleeping. The baby is about the size of corn. -
7 month
Baby is gaining more fat and starts to practice breathing and brain is active. Hair is also growing. At this point as a mom you want to stick to a routine and drink lots of water and have a healthy diet. -
8 month
Your baby now reacts to light and the brain is more developed. Your feet will be swollen. You want to be sure you are has relaxed has possible. Your baby will look like a pineapple. -
9 month
The bones of your baby are hardening and the head is engaged. Your baby can react to music. Your body has swollen and your feet, knees and back will hurt -
Your baby is the size of the watermelon and is fully developed. You're water will break, you will have contractions and be in a lot of pain.