day 1
Fertilization all human chromosomes are present -
day 6
embryo begins implantation in the uterus -
week 4
the embryo splits into two parts. One half will become the placenta, a special tissue that delivers must-have nutrients and oxygen to your baby throughout your entire pregnancy. In the other half, the embryo itself continues to grow, -
day 22
heart begins to beat with the child's own blood -
week 10
Paddle-like, or webbed, hands and feet will now separate into fingers and toes, bones will begin to harden and his kidneys are now producing urine. At this point your baby's brain is developing at nearly 250,000 neurons are forming every minute The end of the embryonic stage also marks a turning point for development dangers that the baby is less susceptible to. -
Week 12
muscles start to bulk up at this stage, the reflexes are starting to develop -- though it's too early to feel his movements. The child will also start to open and close their fingers, curl their toes, and jerk and kick their arms and legs. -
week 16
skeleton continues to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone. Even so, the baby's bones will remain somewhat flexible for an easier trip through the birth canal. The umbilical cord has fully matured with one vein and two arteries that are protected -
week 24
the balance-controlling inner ear has developed, your baby can finally tell if they are upside down or right side up, so moving around takes on new meaning. -
week 30
baby will gain about a half pound each week. the built-up fat tissue will also help the baby regulate it's body temperature after birthed provide the energy he needs. Because the baby is adding fat and growing bigger, movements become less frequent -
last month - month 9
baby is finally fully developed and will be able to survive outside of the mother's body. the baby will start to settle down lower in the abdomen to prepare for birth.