Month one
1) The embryo has already been given it's sex
2) The embryo if about .1 to 2mm
3)The embryo is creating the foundation of the brain.
4) The embryo is only about 12-15 cells
5) already know sex of baby -
Month two
1) The brain is starting to form with the brain stem
2) The embryo is now around 5mm.
3) tiny human
4)heart beating
5)feet hands
6) heart and brain developing -
Month three
1) The embryo's brain is rapidly creating wiring and it's nervous system throughout it's body.
2) The embryo is now around 7.9cm to 10cm and around 28g.
4) arms hands moving
5) arms hands fingers -
Month four
1) The nervous system is still growing and the creation of the spinal cord is still going on. The baby is starting to move parts of it's body thanks to it's brain.
2) The embryo is now 6.5 to 7 in and weights around 6 to 7 ounces.
3)face formed
4) lungs developing
5) elbows thumbs toes -
Month five
1) The brain is starting to recognize it's baby parts and learning how to use them.
2) The baby is now around 11.8 in and weight around 1.3 pounds.
3) fingers toes belly button out
4)shoulders hair -
Month six
1) The brain is still developing and the baby is moving around more.
2) The baby is now around 12 inches and two pounds
3) skin gets color
4) fingers toes visible -
Month seven
1)The brain is still developing rapidly and that baby is moving around more.
2) The baby is now around 14 inches and two to four pounds.
3)hair starts growing on head
4)fat on body -
Month eight
1)The physical development are close to being fully done.
2) The body systems are all fully developed
3) The brain is helping the baby recognize it's surroundings and the baby can even recognize it's mothers voice.
4) The baby is now around 18 inches and five pounds. -
Month nine
1)All physical developments are done and are ready to leave the womb.
2) All of it's body systems are developed and are ready to be born.
3) The brain is still rapidly developing in the womb and is ready to be born.
4) The baby is now around 19 to 20 inches and 7 to 7.5 pounds.