1st month
- The Conception of the sperm and the egg/ovum unite
- Nervous system begins to develope
- Heart begins to beat, first sign of heart, face, arms, legs, and lungs show
- Baby is called the embryo and is about 1/4 inches long
Period: to
Prenatal Development
2 months
- Brain grows quickly and starts to direct baby movements
- liver and stomach begin working
- Fingers and toes develop
- Embryo is about 2 inches long and weigh 1/3 ounces
3rd month
- Baby is now called a fetus
- Bones are growing, kidneys are workig
- Finger prints apperar
- Head growth slows
- Baby is about 4 inches long and weighs 1 ounce
4th month
- Umbilical cord grows
- Heartbeat is strong
- Bones can be indentfied,fingernails appear
- Baby moves and kicks
- baby is about 6 to 7 inches and weighs 1/2 pound
5th month
- Baby internal organs continue to grow
- Heartbeat heard by stethoscope
- eyebrows and eyelashes appear
- sleeps and wakes in patterns
- baby is about 9 inches and weighs 1 pound
6th month
- Skin is red, wrinkled, and oily
- fingernila indentified
- baby kicks, strech, suck thumb, open and close eyes
- baby is about 12 inches and weighs 1 1/2 pounds
7th month
- lumgs are strong amd more mature and can support baby outside the uterus
- skin is covered with vernix
- baby is about 18 inches and weighs 3 pounds
8th month
- Brain growth rapid
- skin is not wrinkled and color is pink
- baby kicks strongly
- Baby is moved into head down postion in the uterus
- baby is about 18 inches and weighs 5 poungs
9th month
- Baby gains 1/2 poung weekly
- Luns are mature
- Gowny hair that cover skin disappears
- baby prepare for brth
- baby is around 20 inches and weighs about 7 to 8 pounds