Prenatal Development

  • Period: to

    prenatal development

  • 1st month

    1st month
    Nervous system begins to develop ( continues thoughout pregnancy)
    Heart begins to beat
    First sign of heart, face, arms, legs lungs
    Tissue that will later form baby's backbone, skull ,ribs & muscles
  • 2nd month

    Brain grows quickly & starts direct baby's movments
    Liver & stomach begain to work
    ears, mose,mouth take shape
    eyes takes color, eyelids form
    2 in long
  • 3rd month

    Finguer nails & toenails appear
    starts moving spontaneously.
    face is beginning to look like a baby's face.
    baby can suck his thumb, and get hiccups.
  • 4th month

    Facial expression are possible
    Fat begins to form underneath skin.
    Baby hears external voices, sleeps and dreams.
  • 5th month

    The half way point
    baby can hear and recognize the mother's voice.
    start feeling the first fetal movements.
    The skin is getting thicker.
    heart can now be heard with a stethoscope.
  • 6 month

    Practies breathing
    The eyelids can be seen very clearly.
    If born at this stage is officially considered viable, they may well be able to survive.
  • 7 months

    7 months
    May Recongize your voice
    hair on the head is now clearly visible
    milk teeth have developed under the gums.
  • 8 months

    8 months
    Reproductive development continues
    Under the skin the fat layer is getting thicker.
    In boys, the testicles will be descending from the groin down into his scrotum
    The toenails and fingernails are completely formed.
  • 9th month

    9th month
    Between now and birth they may gain about an ounce (30g)
    You may feel contractions of the womb, called Braxton Hicks
    The baby's body is becoming chubby as fat layers build.