Prenatal Development

  • Development

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    Sperm meets egg to form a zygote. Month 1
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    : Zygote attaches to uterine wall. ( Month 1)
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    Neural Tube Formation

    Development of brain and spinal cord. ( Month 1)
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    Organ Development

    The heart, liver, and kidneys start forming. (Month 2)
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    Facial Features

    The embryo's face begins to take shape.Blood cells are taking shape, and circulation will begin. (month 2)
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    The heart starts beating, and the circulatory system develops. Bones begin replacing soft cartilage and genitals begin to form.( Month 2)
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    Limb Development

    Arms and legs start growing and moving (month 3)
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    Gender Determination

    The baby's sex can be identified, the fetus’s skin starts to thicken and fine hair begins to grow, the fetus begins to make more purposeful movements, like sucking its thumb or smiling. (month 4)
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    A fetus can hear sounds from the outside world, the fetus still has thin skin, covered in lanugo, nail growth.(month 5)
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    Month 6

    Limb movements are coordinated and frequent, the fetus’s lungs are fully developed, but not well enough to work outside your uterus.
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    Month 7

    More body fat makes the fetus’s skin less wrinkled and plumper. Its nervous system is quickly maturing,the fetus can open its eyes and blink, has eyelashes, may begin turning head-down in your uterus.
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    Month 8

    The fetus can control its own body heat, brain is maturing and growing rapidly, the fetus’s skin isn’t translucent anymore, The fetus is about 17 to 18 inches long and weighs as much as 5 pounds.
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    The fetus is fully developed and ready for birth (month 9)