1st month
Baby is 1/4 inch long
Heart, Digestive system, backbone and spinal cord begin to form.
Placenta (sometimes called "afterbirth") begins to develop.
The single fertilized egg is now 10,000 times larger than it was at conception. -
2nd month
Your baby's development is very rapid during the second month. By the end of the second month, all of your baby's major body organs and body systems, including the brain, lungs, liver, and stomach, have begun to develop. -
3rd month
Your baby will completely formed by the end of the third month.
Your baby will weigh just half an ounce (14 grams) and be about 3 inches long. His eyes are formed and his fingers and toes are becoming distinct. -
4th month
The baby's skin is pink somewhat transparent and is covered with fine hair called lanugo. His tiny fingernails are now visible. The baby's face continues to develop. Eyebrows and eyelashes begin to appear in this month. Buds on the side of the head begin to form into the outer ear and he can hear your voice now. -
5th month
This is a period of Tremendous growth for your baby. Your baby is also growing muscle and is getting stronger every day. As your baby becomes stronger every day. As your baby becomes stronger. He move about more energetically, particularly when you are trying to get some sleep. -
6th month
This month continues to be a period of rapid growth. At 24 weeks, your baby can suck his/her thumb and you may feel baby hiccup. He/She will have patterns of sleep and activity which you will come to know. -
7th month
Your baby's eyes can now open and close and can sense light changes. The lanugo is starting to disappear from the baby's face. Your baby's hearing is getting better. He or she can now hear the outside world quite well over the sound of your heartbeat. -
8th month
The face is now smooth and getting a little chubby, as the baby is laying on fat stores over the next weeks in preparation for life outside the womb. Most babies will turned head down by this time in preparation for birth. -
9th month
Your baby is now fully formed and if it is a boy, his testicles should have descended. The vernix has mostly disappeared. Baby will gain weight at the rate of about an once per day during the last month before the birth.