
Prenatal development

  • Fertlization

    An egg is released from the ovary of female to the Fallopian tube. Where the fertilization takes place in the presence of male’s sperm. Only one sperm can fertilize the egg in which a zygote will be generated and will be ready to inter next step.
  • Germinal stage

    Germinal stage
    It is a short period comparing to the next stages. The fertilized egg will start to divide very rapidly and it will migrate from the Fallopian tube to the uterus. The fertilized egg or the blastocyst will be implanted in the uterus. The main purpose of this stage , to generate a massive number of cells. For instance, some cell will be forming the placenta and the umbilical cord. Placenta is the main entrance for the nutrition. Umbilical cord is the main exit of the waste material. This stage ta
  • Period: to

    Germinal Stage

    Fertlization to 2 weeks
  • The embryonic stage

    The embryonic stage
    It is the differentiation and developmental stage. The cells will start to differentiate to special kind of tissues which will develop into major organs. At this stage the child will called embryo. Three types of tissues include ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. The names of those tissues are referring to their functions ecto means outer layer, endo means inner layer and meso means in between or sandwich layer and derm means tissue. The ectoderm will form most of the outer tissue and organs incl
  • Period: to

    The embryonic stage

    2 weeks to 8 weeks
  • The fetal stage

    The fetal stage
    Once the major organs have been developed the developing child will become a fetus. Fetus organs will start to work and will start to interact with other body parts. Fetus size and weight will increase rapidly. A lot of complex process and signaling will happened during this stage includes gender specification which happened in the period between weeks 8 to 24. During this stage most of the fetus organs will be working. The fetus will start to interact with the outer world. The fetus will be
  • Period: to

    The fetal stage

    8 weeks to brith
  • Period: to

    Germinal stage

  • Childbirth

    It is usually happened during the 9 month. At this point the mother body will give order to the cervix to expend. The baby will get out through the mother vagina. The baby’s head is the first part that gets out of the uterus. Childbirth is the final stage of the pregnancy.