Paleolithic (2500 bc)
Hominids to human beings, walking upright, nomadic, fire, tools from stone and bone, hunting, fishing and gathering. -
Neolithic (8000 bc)
Agriculture, farming, sedentary people, small villages, new techniques for making stone tools, textiles, ceramic cups and bowls. -
Metal age
Worked metals, worked directly hitting the cold metal with a hammer. Later forging was used (preheat the metal) the process more elaborate metallurgy is caracteríasticas foundry age metal-replaced stone tools by metal-promoted trade because they created the wheel. -
Copper Age (4000 bc)
The first metal tools were copper, copper appears as prints and can work hand not much used because it was soft and mui to make weapons or tools broke very easily used it more for ornaments -
Iron Age (4000 bc)
They made tools tougher compared to copper. Its manufacturing was more complex due to the high temperatures required for melting -
Egypt Civilizations
It was the most important of civilization for its cultural contribution that still retain. Its location was along the Nile valley and bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, built canals and levees to control flooding of the river. Calculation and geometry that allowed them the invention of the inclined plane and lever development -
Greece Civilization (3000 bc - 400 an
Was situated on the Balkan peninsula. Was characterized by the advance of the theoretical knowledge I were saying that the depth of the study are mathematics, philosophy, physics, chemistry and medicine. They noted philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle ... There were technological advances as the Archimedes screw (used for lifting water) design catapults, pulleys ... -
Rome Civilization
It extiendio around the Mediterranean, leaving in its wake a great cultural civilizations, artistic and technical development. Estates created for the holdings, more specific and useful tools for working the land. Plows appear more developed, the grain mill to create new systems regadío.Descubrieron advances in engineering (theaters, Roman roads, circuses, baths, temples, sewer ..) -
Middle Age
This happens important scientific and technological advances:-windmill, its use was to grind grain and pump water for obtaining oil-astrolabe: I wanted to determine the position of the stars and the sun and also to resolve the astrological problems. - Compass: consisted of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water-clock: working with a powered by a weight suspended on a rope wheels -
Modern Age
Ranging from the discovery of America to the French Revolution. Marked by a feudal society to a capitalist society scientific evolution printing: created in the mid-fifteenth century by Johannes Goutemberg. Consisted of a metal mold cast for the different types of telescope letters was invented by Hans telescope Galileo contruyo refraccionbasado in that one more powerful microscope to begin to know the living beings naturalezade pendulum clock -
Industria Revolution (1789)
in Great Britain gradually it spread throughout Europe and Japan The changes that occurred most important were:-growth demosgrafico-aunmento of agricultural-use of new sources of energy, development of international trade-mechanization of indrustria production mechanization of textile-indrustia Siderugica-new forms of work organization -
The invection of the Steam engine (1712)
is the first invention that converts thermal energy into mechanical which gave way to social change indrutrial revolution. The invent the steam engine was James Waltt and was evolved by Papin (1690) Savery (1698) or Newcomen (1712) the most important applications of the steam are steam-boat steam-locomotive-indrustria