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History of the Clothes

  • 12 BCE

    Prehistoric Time

    Prehistoric Time
    In the history of the man they always weared skin of the animals as clothes
  • 9 BCE

    Egipto Clothes

    Egipto Clothes
    In 16th century before Christ the man used Squenti and women used Kalasaris Clothes.
  • 1 CE

    Roma Clothes

    Roma Clothes
    In Roma the man used Toga and Women used Mantle
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    Byzantium Time

    Byzantium Time
    In the century VI the man Used toga byzantium and woman used mantle
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    middle Age

     middle Age
    In the century IX the man used small mantle and short tunic
  • 13

    communes of the time

    communes of the time
    in the century XIII the woman used coat, veil and tunica, the man used jacket sobrevesta and footwear of mesh
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    Renaissance Time

    Renaissance Time
    In the century IX the man short jacket and long shoes and woman used veil and long saya
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    In the century XVII the man used lace rack, jerkin and breeches, the woman doublet Coping
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    Century XVIII

    Century XVIII
    In the Century XVIII the man used checkmate, vest and tricorn, th woman Coping, headband, apron, guardainfante
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    Century XIX

    Century XIX
    In the century XIX the man used top-hat, tie, jacket with skirts, vest and leggings, the woman used crinoline and Coping
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    Century XXI

    Century XXI
    in the century XXI the woman used blouse, shorts, jeans and coat
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    Century XXI

    Century XXI
    in the century XXI the man used T shirt,shirt, jeans and coat