Month 1 mom during pregnancy
Month one mom
1) Mom may not know she’s pregnant until missed period
2) Breasts may be sensitive
3) May be nauseous
4 Feeling bloated
Sources - planned parenthood -
Mom during second month of pregnancy
- Any waste the baby doesn't need is passed into the mothers blood stream -Gets cravings -Frequent urination -Woman would have missed her period and taken a pregnancy test. Source - WebMD
Baby during second month
- Almost an inch long
- Eyes are glassy domes
- Embryo becomes a fetus
- Heat is functioning Sources- in the womb watch guide /http://www.babies.sutterhealth.org/babygrowth/fetaldev/bg_fetaldev-2.html
Baby during third month.
- Baby begins to look like a human
- Is now the size if a peanut
- By end of month doctor should be able to hear heartbeat
- Most organs are fully formed source - http://www.momjunction.com/articles/3rd-month-pregnancy_00360883/
Mom during fourth month.
- Mom not feeling dizzy and morning sickness has calmed down
- Breasts will get bigger, rounder and fuller
- Time to wear maternity clothes
- You will be able to hear the babies heart beat Source- http://www.momjunction.com/articles/4th-month-pregnancy-care-expect-dos-donts_0077368/
Month four baby.
- Uterus is size of grapefruit
- Baby’s facial futures will begin to develop
- Baby will start sucking its thumb
- Baby’s limbs are functional and moving Source- http://www.momjunction.com/articles/4th-month-pregnancy-care-expect-dos-donts_0077368/
Month five mom.
- Mom may have heartburn
- Swollen ankles
- Achy feet
- Difficulty getting comfy Source- http://www.aboutkidshealth.ca/En/ResourceCentres/PregnancyBabies/Pregnancy/ThePregnantMother/Pages/The-Fifth-Month.aspx
Month five baby.
Baby continues to grow rapidly
Hair begins to grow on babies head
Eyebrows and eyelashes start forming too
Babies eyes are now sensitive to light
Sorce- http://www.momjunction.com/articles/5th-month-pregnancy_00361303/ -
Month six mom during pregnancy.
- Increase in pressure in pelvis
- Backache
- Bump begins to show
- May get faint at times Sorce - http://www.momjunction.com/articles/sixth-month-pregnancy_00363380/
Baby during month six.
- Baby’s skin turns pinkish
- Lungs continue to mature
- Baby may react to sound
- By end of month babies toenails and finger nails are developed and even visible through ultrasound Source- http://www.momjunction.com/articles/sixth-month-pregnancy_00363380/
Mom during 7th month.
- May experience Braxton Hicks Contractions
- Lower back aches
- May become forgetful
- Round ligiment pain or soreness Sorce- http://www.familyeducation.com/pregnancy/third-trimester/month-seven-your-pregnancy
Baby during 7th month.
- My the end of month baby is 14 inches long
- Hearing is fully developed
- Baby is 2-4 pounds
- Baby responds to light, and sound. Source - http://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-your-babys-growth-development-months-7-to-9#1-1
Mom month eight of pregnancy.
- Baby may be putting more pressure on internal organs
- May notice yellowish fluid leaking from breasts called colostrum
- May get hot flashes
- May be more annoyed and impatient Source - http://www.momjunction.com/articles/8th-month-pregnancy-care-expect-dos-donts_0077945/
Mom during ninth and final month.
- Fatigue
- Increased urination
- Body aches
- May be more restless feel baby kick a lot. source- https://www.zliving.com/family/pregnancy/9-months-pregnant-what-is-happening-inside-your-b
Month 1 of pregnancy, baby
Month one baby
Baby is ¼ inch long
Heart, digestive system , backbone, and spinal cord begin to form
Placenta begins to develope
The fertilized egg is now 10,000 times bigger than it was at conception
Source - http://www.babies.sutterhealth.org/babygrowth/fetaldev/bg_fetaldev-1.html -
Mom during third month of pregnancy
- Mom gets ultrasound for the first time
- Mom may gain weight
- By the end of the month the uterus will move up in the abdomen so you don't have to use the restroom so often
- Some women experience light bleeding , bleeding doesn't always mean a miscarriage. Source- http://www.momjunction.com/articles/3rd-month-pregnancy_00360883/
Baby during 8th month
- Baby is about 18 inches long and around five pounds
- Baby will continue to mature and develop fat reserves
- Baby can see
- Most internal systems are well developed Source - http://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-your-babys-growth-development-months-7-to-9#1-1
Baby during month nine.
- Babies lungs are near fully developed
- Baby’s reflexes are coordinated baby can blink, close eyes, turn head, grasp firmly, and respond to touch
- Baby drops down in the pelvis and usually bay;s head is facing down toward birth canal and ready for birth.
- Baby is between 18-20 inches and around five to seven pounds. Source- http://www.webmd.com/baby/pregnancy-your-babys-growth-development-months-7-to-9#1-1