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Pregnancy Timeline!

  • 0-4 Weeks!

    0-4 Weeks!
    Your pregnant but your body may not even realize it yet! But even though you may not realize it, your body is already changing to prepare for a baby! The baby is very little and is unrecongnizable!
  • Spina Bifida birth defect!

    Spina Bifida birth defect!
    during the first month of a pregnancy, the two sides of the spine join together to cover the spinal cord, spinal nerves and meninges (the tissues covering the spinal cord). Spina bifida refers to any birth defect involving incomplete closure of the spine.
  • 5-8 Weeks

    5-8 Weeks
    Many women are just figuring out that they are pregnant. You will probably be dealing with morning sickness! Lots of emotion at this point!
  • 9-12 Weeks!

    9-12 Weeks!
    During this stage you will be noticing that you are gaining weight. Your breast will probably be getting bigger! Lots of physical and emotional change will be occuring during this month.
  • 13-16 Weeks!

    13-16 Weeks!
    You are now in the middle stages of your pregnancy! Also the next three months most women find to be the most enjoyable part! Alot of women start craving foods at this point too!
  • 17-20 Weeks!

    17-20 Weeks!
    These are the actual weeks that are the most exciting! You can actually start to feel the baby move within you. You are starting to feel it because the baby is beggining to be aware of how to move.
  • 21-24 Weeks!

    21-24 Weeks!
    At this point, you are halfway over with your pregnancy! The babys heart is regulating. The baby is also starting to develop his toes and fingers more.
  • 25-28 Weeks!

    25-28 Weeks!
    You will start to gain lots of more weight during this time. Your body including your feet and legs will start to feel strain. The baby will definately let you know that it is starting to get alot bigger.
  • 29-32 Weeks!

    29-32 Weeks!
    You reach the final 3 months of your pregnancy! Your womb has grown alot over the pregnancy. Since it has grown you have less room in your abdonem.
  • 33-36 Weeks!

    You are very close to the end during this month. The baby will get very crowded and will drop its head between your pelvis. The baby now is getting all its nutrients and is recognizing your voice.
  • 37-40 Weeks!

    37-40 Weeks!
    The baby is now at the point where it completely fills your womb! The baby is very uncomfortable and unable to move. You will soon be a mom during this month! :)
  • PKU birth defect

    PKU birth defect
    Babies with PKU are missing an enzyme called phenylalanine hydroxylase, which is needed to break down an essential amino acid called phenylalanine. The substance is found in foods that contain protein.
  • After birth! Cleft Lip birth defect!

    After birth! Cleft Lip birth defect!
    Cleft lip and/or palate occurs when the tissues of the mouth or lip don't form properly during fetal development. A cleft lip is a long opening between the upper lip and the nose.
  • Down syndrom birth defect

    Down syndrom birth defect
    In most cases, Down syndrome occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called Trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.
    Down syndrome is the most common single cause of human birth defects.
  • Autism birth defect!

    Autism birth defect!
    Autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain. The exact causes of these abnormalities remain unknown, but this is a very active area of research. There are probably a combination of factors that lead to autism.
    Genetic factors seem to be important.