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In the first week of pregnancy you are not really pregnant yet, since during that week you will have the period. Vaginal bleeding is caused by the desquamation of the functional layer of the endometrium that has been prepared to house the fertilized egg. Since there is no fertilized egg, menstruation occurs. -
In the second month of pregnancy the eyes of the embryo are formed and the arms and legs begin to grow. The internal organs and the brain of the future baby develop. At this stage, the embryo measures about 3 centimeters and weighs about 3 grams. -
In the third month of pregnancy the embryo is called a fetus. This stage is known as the fetal period, since the fetus begins to have a human form. The limbs of the future baby develop rapidly, although the size of the head is still disproportionate to the rest of the body. -
In the fourth month of pregnancy, it measures approximately 10 cm to 15 cm from the crown to the tailbone. Your body begins to grow more proportionate, the head no longer represents twice your body as in the first weeks. -
The development of the fetus in the fifth month of pregnancy: weeks 19 to 22. From the fifth month of pregnancy and until delivery, the fetus only grows, since it is almost fully formed. Their movements become strong and the mother is able to perceive them.The fetus weighs more than the placenta. -
It is believed that he is already able to learn and remember. In this period the alveoli in the lungs begin to grow and the fetus already performs respiratory movements with the diaphragm. The bronchi are still full of amniotic fluid. In the sixth month of pregnancy the baby measures 32 centimeters and weighs more than half a kilo. -
The development of the fetus in the seventh month of pregnancy: weeks 27 to 30. Throughout the seventh month of pregnancy the bones of the fetus begin to harden and their skin stretches while acquiring an opaque tone. Your nervous system is sufficiently developed to allow you to perform complex movements. -
Por lo general, al cabo del octavo mes de embarazo el bebé se posiciona con la cabeza hacia abajo. Esto se debe a que se está preparando para el parto. El lanugo desaparece de la cara del feto. Su piel se vuelve rosácea y suave y tiene unas extremidades regordetas. -
The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by the rate at which the fetus fattens: about 28g daily. Although there is still no air in your lungs, your breathing movements become frequent. Your intestine is full of meconium, a substance that will expel at birth.