-sperm meets the egg -
Month 1
-missed menstrual period -
Period: to
month 2
-breasts begin to swell
-pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus results in need to urinate more frequently
-possible nausea and fatigue -
month 3
-Breasts become firmer and fuller, may ache
-nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination may continue.
-abdomen becomes slightly larger. uterus is about the size of an orange
-weight gain may total 2-4 pounds -
month 4
-abdomen continues to grow slowly
-most discomforts of early pregnancy usually gone
-appetite increases -
month 5
-enlarged abdomen becomes apparent
-slight fetal movements felt
-increased size may begin to affect posture -
month 6
-fetal movements sensed as strong kicks, thumps, and bumps. some may be visible
-weight gain by the beginning of the month may total 10-12 pounds -
Month 7
-increased size may affect posture -
month 8
-discomforts may result fromincreased size. backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and fatigue are common.
-fetal kicks may disturb the mother's rest
-at the beginning of this month, weight gain about 18-20 pounds -
month 9
-lightening is felt as the fetus drops into the pelvis. breathing becomes easier
-other discomforts may continue
-a total weight gain of 25-35 pounds is typical
false labor pains may be experienced