First Month
In month One
* The heart starts beating
* Lungs (buds) have now appeared lung
* Construction of the gastrointestinal system and liver have started
* The neural tube of the brain and has developed and the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain are defined. -
Period: to
My Pregnancy
2nd Month
- baby is shaped like a tadpole
- the body parts will continue to grow (heart,lungs, limbs)
- the umbilical connects to the baby and now gives the baby nourishment and blood supply
- cartilage will soon become into bones
3rd Month
- At 13 weeks, baby is about 6.7 cm long
- May start to have hiccups now as he/she practices breathing
- Beggings kicking/swallowing
- Organs actually begin functioning.
4th Month
- Measures about 10 cm long
- Weighs about 100 grams
- Sweat glands begin to form
- Cartilage starts forming into bones
5th month
- The baby will start to move
- The baby will wake and move
- 200 moves a day
6th month
- mom will gain 3-4 pounds this month
- Mother's feet will begin to swell
- Food cravings will get more intense or smell of certain foods will get bad
7th month
- Mom will gain 3-4 lbs
- baby is aroung 14 in long
- Hearing is fully developed now
- about 4 lbs
8th month
- baby is about 18 in
- baby is about 5 lbs
- there will be more kicking than normal
9th month
- baby is 18-20 in long
- Usually 7-7 1/2 lbs
- baby is now fully developed
- baby is getting ready for birth, settles in lower abdomin
- reflexes are really good by now