
  • Month 1

    Month 1
    Egg starts to divide and move down the fallopian tube.
    Embryo starts to take shape.
    The heart starts to form. Birth Defect:
    During this time the Cleft Lip may occur. It may occur because of smoking. Surgery is needed to correct this. Sources
    In the Womb...Information Defect Information
  • Month 2

    Month 2
    Fetus starts to look more human shaped, and is about an inch long.
    Yok Sack is no longer needed and the placenta is now used. Birth Defect:
    At the begining of this month or the end of the first month the Spina Bifida defect may occur. It is the failure of the spine to join together. Surgery is needed to correct this.
    In the Womb...Information
  • Month 3

    Month 3
    The nervous system starts to develop,
    The fetus starts to move.
    The heart starts to beat around 157 times per minute.
    Birht Defect:
    Around this time the fingers start to form which also means that the birth defect Brachydactlia may occur. This is where the fingers do not develop correctly and have a short stubby look. This is correctable with surgery.
    In the Womb and
  • Month 4

    Month 4
    Ultrasound is now used to see the baby.
    Using the ultrasound more information about the babies health is avalable.
    Building blocks for walking are beginning to develop. Sources
    In the Womb...Information
  • Month 5

    Month 5
    At this time the genitals start to form, but cannot be distinguished.
    Bones are starting to harden.
    Brain begins to regulate the muscles Sources
    In the Womb....Information
  • Month 6

    Month 6
    Child is beginning to grow rapidly.
    Can use all of its senses except sight.
    Blink reflex is beginning to develop. Sources
    In the Womb...Information
  • Month 7

    Month 7
    Eye lashes are growing
    Hearing is one of the most developed senses.
    Baby spends most of its time sleeping. Sources
    In the Womb...Information
  • Month 8

    Month 8
    Last of the major organs form. This is the lungs
    Baby is effected by the mother.
    Stress in mother can make the baby have low birth weight and health problems. Sources
    In the Womb...Information
  • Month 9

    Month 9
    Baby gains weight very fast.
    Brain is beginning to create memories.
    100 billion neurons have grown. Sources
    In the Womb...Information
  • Other Birth Defects

    Other Birth Defects
    These are other birth defects that happen after birth or because of other reasons.
    Down Syndrome- is a condition where a child has 47 chromosomes instead of 46. This results in a problem with how the brain and body develop.
    Club Foot- is a condition where the baby is born with the foot in a odd twisted postion. No one really knows the cause of this, but it could be genetic. The only way to correct this is to put a cast around the foot in the correct position.