Wifi technology symbol in businessman hand social network concept


  • Principals and departments will have 5- 7 year tech refresh cycles

    Principals and departments will have 5- 7 year tech refresh cycles
  • The network (infrastructure) will be robust enough to keep up with traffic demand

    The network (infrastructure) will be robust enough to keep up with traffic demand
    100 Gig Connectivity at County level - over the 10 GIG we currently have
  • Maker Spaces will be the norm instead of the exception in schools throughout the county

    Maker Spaces will be the norm instead of the exception in schools throughout the county
  • Classroom design will be focused on agility

    Classroom design will be focused on agility
  • Policies and Skill Sets will align to allow for BYOD for all staff within SBCSS

    Policies and Skill Sets will align to allow for BYOD for all staff within SBCSS
  • Passwords for staff and students will be obsolete and replaced by fingerprint ID

    Passwords for staff and students will be obsolete and replaced by fingerprint ID