Early modern

  • Jan 1, 1453

    ottoman capture Constantinople

    what lead to the byzantine empire to fall was when the byzantine empire got captured.
  • Jul 17, 1453

    battle of castilion

    Charles attacked and reclaimed Normandy.The English sent a fresh army led by Talbot against Charles, but the English were defeated and the War came to an end.
  • Jan 1, 1455

    War of the Roses Begins

    This war was a civil war between the houses of Lancaster and York.
  • Aug 22, 1461

    Battle of Towton Moors-War of Roses

    the yorkist who were wearing white roses at the Battle of Towton Moors defeated The Royalist who wore red roses to battle
  • Jan 1, 1471

    kingdom of anman founded

    Le Thanh-ton who was leading the Kingdom of Annam captured Vijaya the capital of the Cham, in present day Vietnam.
  • Jan 1, 1471

    Kingdom of Anman Founded

    the person who was leading the Kingdom of Annam captured Vijaya the capital of the Cham, in present day Vietnam.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Dias round cape of good hope

    what helped the way for the sea routs from Europe to Asia was the first European to round the southern tip of Africa .
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Portuguese in Angola

    this is when The Kongo ruler converts to Catholicism and Portuguese explorers establish an embassy .
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Jews Driven From Spain

    when Columbus landed in the New World many Jews were expelled from Spain many traveling to the Ottoman Empire, while some settled in Portugal.
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot Discovers NewFoundland

    Newfoundland wad discovered by John Cabot and his son Sebastian .
  • Jan 1, 1498

    Da Vinci paints The Last Supper

    this is when Leonardo Da Vinci painted his most famous mural, The Last Supper. The mural depicts the last meal of Christ before being incarcerated.
  • Jan 1, 1502

    first African slaves brought to the Americas

    while majority of the native American are dying Portuguese are finding other new ones
  • Jan 1, 1517

    Beginning of the Protestant cathedral in Wittenberg.

    this is when Martin Luther was tired of the rules she he nails his 95 theses to the door of the cathedral in Wittenberg.
  • Jan 1, 1532

    Spanish conquest the Incas

    because of slavery and a lot of disease many native american got killed and the Spanish conquest of the Inca empire was behind it all
  • Jan 1, 1533

    the founding of Pizarro topples the Inca

    what marked the end of 300 years of Inca civilization was the execution of Atahualpa ,the last free reigning empero
  • Jan 1, 1553

    Foundation of the University of Mexico

    this is when Michael Servetus who denied the Trinity, was
    burned at the stake by Calvin in Geneva.
  • Beginning of the revolt

    Beginning of the revolt of the northern Low Countries against Philip II, King of Spain.
  • ivery battle

    the catholic league got beat during wars of religion french henn iv
  • Battle of sekigahara

    this battle was the establishment Tokugawa shogunate
  • death of Elizabeth I

    Elizabeth I, Queen of England, dies, and Her successor is James I of the House of Stuart, who ruled until 1625.
  • foundation of Jamestown

    this was united states first successful permanent colony
  • death of hernry IV

    Henry IV, King of France, is murdered. He is succeeded by his son, Louis during whose reign Cardinal Richelieu ruled France de facto.
  • the begging of the thirty years war

    the Beginning of the Thirty Years' War, devastated much of the German region.
  • women in the US and slaves

    Virginia was the first appearance of women and African slaves
  • hurricane in Plymouth

    this was the 1st recorded north American hurricane that had hit the Plymouth colony
  • peace of westphalia

    what marked the end of the thirty years of war was this peace treaty
  • English capture Jamaica

    when the English was in the Caribbean they ended up capturing the island and they conducted the invasion of Jamaica.
  • new amsterdam

    when the English seize the new Amsterdam from dutch the decided to rename it new York
  • London Plague

    this was the Foundation of the Académie Royale des Sciences which was by Louis XIV.
  • heat in istabul

    Istanbul destroyed 20,000 homes with 3 major fires