
Politcal/Military Absolutism Timeline

By wwchan
  • Period: Jan 1, 1462 to Jan 1, 1505

    Reign of Ivan III in Russia

  • Period: Jan 1, 1533 to

    Reign of Ivan the Terrible in Russia

  • Period: to

    Henry IV in France

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    Growth of Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

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    Reign of Frederick William in Prussia

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    English Civil War

    Charles I needed revenue, but Parliament refused to allow tax. Charles decided to rule alone and got revenue from ship money, or a tax on a coastal town for defense. However, taxes were needed when there was a scottish invasion, which parliament again refused. Charles tried to arrest Parliament, which transformed int o civil war between the forces of the king (Cavaliers), and those of Parliament (Roundheads).
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    Louis XIV in France

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    Military Rule Under Oliver Cromwell

    During the English Civil War, Oliver Cromwell was against the king. When Parliament refused to take action against Charles, Oliver Cromwell purged the Parliament (Pride's Purge) and executed the king. He named hiumself Lord Protector and imposed military rule.
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees marks end of Spanish imperial dominance

  • Restoration of English Monarchy Under Charles II

  • Cossack revolt led by Razin

  • Period: to

    Habsburgs defend Vienna; win war with Ottoman Turks

  • Glorious Revolution

    William III and Mary II invaded England and took the throne without resistance.
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    War of the Spanish Succession

    Louis XIV and the Holy Roman Emporer both had claims for Spain after Charles II died, and they signed a treaty to partition Spain. However, when Charles died, he left a will for spain to go to Philip V, the grandson of Louis XIV. Louis XIV decided to claim Spain through his grandson, which resulted in the War of Spanish Succession.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    This treaty ended the War of Spanish Succession and gave Spain to Philip V which could not join with France.
  • Period: to

    Growth of Prussian Military