The army of Janibeg
While fighting in a war, Janibeg noticed that his army was being crushed by the plague. He used trebuchets to catapult the plague-infested corpses into enemy grounds in hopes of infecting them. -
The 12 ships
In October 1347, 12 ships dropped anchor at a Sicilian port, quickly infecting the town. -
Another ship
A ship reached Bristol in August 1348 and the plague rapidly infected the southwestern countries of England. -
The Plague is starting to spread
In 1348, the plague had begun to spread inland from the Mediterranean ports, infecting North Africa, mainland Italy, Spain and France -
You can't stop it
The Plague has now begun to spread even more, decimating the towns in Germany, Switzerland and more. -
Going North
The Black Death reached the extreme north of England, Scotland, Scandinavia and the Baltic countries in 1350 -
It's finally over
After 7 painful years, The Plague has finally ended. Leaving humanity in peace again -
Period: 1361 to 1400
Oh no not again
There were recurrences of the Black Death between 1361 and 1400 that happened multiple times. 1361-63, 1369–71, 1374–75, and 1390-1400. -
Period: to
Last recorded major outbreak of the plague
The last major outbreak of the plague was in 1924 in Los Angeles -
Today, the bubonic plague still exists but is treatable with basic and affordable antibiotics