339 BCE
Socrates - Greek philosopher, whose teachings marks a turn in philosophy - from the consideration of the nature of the world and to consider the human. His work - the turning point of ancient philosophy -
Thomas Hobbesh materialist philosopher, one of the founders of the social contract theory and the theory of state sovereignty
Thomas Hobbes - English materialist philosopher, one of the founders of the social contract theory and the theory of state sovereignty -
Benedict Spinoza
- Dutch philosopher, rationalist, naturalist, of Jewish origin, one of the main representatives of modern philosophy.
Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant - the German philosopher, the founder of German classical philosophy, which stands on the brink of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. -
Rene Descartes
René Descartes - French philosopher, mathematician, engineer, physicist and physiologist, the founder of modern analytic geometry and algebraic symbols -
David Hume
David Hume - Scottish philosopher, representative of empiricism, psychological atomism, nominalism and skepticism; According to some researchers, an agnostic, a precursor of the second positivism, economist and historian