Nancy cartwright

Philosopher Nancy Cartwright

  • The Woman

    The Woman
    Nancy Cartwright was born on January 24, 1944 in Pennsylvania. She is married and has two daughters. Nancy has led a full life and has made many achievements in the world of Philosophy. She has written many publications, she is a teacher, an advisor, a mom, a wife, a mentor, and seems to care about the world and the impact that she has in it with great humility.
  • Credentials

    Nancy Cartwright started her career in the field of Quantum Mechanics. She is a Professor of Philosophy at Durham University, a distinguished Professor at the University of California. She specializes in the philosophy of natural sciences and economics and is considered one of the most influential living philosophers. Cartwright is quoted to have said, “If I thought it were true, it would be really great.” Nancy Cartwright’s is a force to be reckoned with. T
  • Influential

    Link text One of her biggest contributions is a publication entitled “Improving Child Safety”.
    Cartwright is described as a deep thinker who specializes in philosophy and methodology of natural and social sciences.
  • Credentials Continued

    Credentials Continued
    Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a MacArthur Fellow, a Fellow of the British Academy and Professor Emeritus at the London School of Economics, co-director of the Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS) at Durham University in England, president of the Philosophy of Science Association, former president of the APA, former member of the U.S. National Research Council’s Committee on Developing a Research Agenda for Social Science Evidence for Use