Philip II of Spain

  • May 21, 1527


    Philip II the son of Charles V the holy Roman emperor and king of Spain
  • 1543


    he began governing Spain as regent in his father's absence,
  • 1545

    First wifes death

    Maria of Portugal, wife of Philip II of Spain, dies in childbirth
  • 1554

    Second Marriage

    Philip II of Spain, the son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, married Queen Mary I.(second marriage)
  • 1555

    First act of power

    Charles gave Philip control of the Low Countries, followed three months later by all Spanish possessions on both sides of the Atlantic
  • 1556

    New ruler

    Charles V the king of Spain died and passed on the throne of Spain to his son Philip II
  • Period: 1556 to

    King of Spain

    Philip II became king of Spain. He governed Spain in her so-called “Golden Age”
  • Aug 10, 1557

    Defeating First allies

    Spanish and English troops in alliance defeated the French at the Battle of St. Quentin. French troops were defeated by Emmanuel Philibert's Spanish army at St. Quentin, France.
  • 1560

    Third Wife

    Spanish King Philip II marries his third wife, Elisabeth van Valois. This cemented the peace of Cateau-Cambresis between Spain and France which was signed the previous year.
  • 1580

    Daring move

    Another daring move was Philip's annexation of Portugal and its empire
  • Death

    King Philip II of Spain died in El Escorial, Spain